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Everything posted by emily19

  1. this happens to be my most favorite picture in the whole wide world lol its so funny hes so sad hum guess he wanted the white album instead
  2. ok this is so worng i am now getting mad that people are saying this i'm getting jealous of Mika what dose Mika have that i dont have? No dont answer that. i need help
  3. i agree totaly with what your saying we need more Patrick in this would dmmit!
  4. you can really see his tatto in this one and i think he has a tatto of a horse shoe on the back of his leg also
  5. this one is so funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7txZPjExjA
  6. omg the pix are so fantastic i don't think could hadle seeing him live i would have to jump on stage and smack his bum....
  7. woo love the pix now i have to shair this if you havent seen it already you much watch it will put a smile on your face even if your not A patrick fan it is just so delish http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu11nEMZy1c
  8. yes lest make a thread for the Patrick freaks
  9. i thought my hart belonged to Mika until i coudent fight it anymore i had to cross over to the dark side and love Mr. Wolf
  10. aw you guys are so nice:) with you patrick sharing
  11. OMG where are you getting these they are amazingness!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thankyou
  12. and if any one else has any Patrick Wolf pictrues please dont be shy to post them:)
  14. Patrick Wolf is...strange and it is scary how much i am like him we sould be marred and live in a little house by the sea with a horse and a ukulele:naughty:
  15. hum yes i agree me and Patrick would be cute together:naughty:
  16. i am in love:wub2: with this red haird man
  17. eekk i'm going thought a tuff time at the moment i think i may be in love with Patrick more then Mika:shocked:
  18. i just got Lycanthropy-Patrick Wolf and the Wind in the wires-Patrick Wolf from itunes dose that count? god this music is so good i can't take it!! ok i'll shutup now:)
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