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Everything posted by emily19

  1. ya i dunno whats goin on, but Mika is so lovely
  2. LOL!! this thread it way too funny i can't take it :roftl:
  3. omg this will be great!!
  4. wow i have never seen him do this one live thanks for finding this:)
  5. Love today is not even on the TV in canada:( so i dont think it will be on i tunes until we get it on TV
  6. I am so obsessed with Mika and this site its the best thing ever!! I cant keep away from it for too long in the mornings I look at my computer and I think to myself “ok just wait until after breakfast and then go on” but I can never do it lol but I have a very obsessive personality I can't help it, its who I am but I’m glad to have all of you guys to share the madness with because I have no other people to talk about Mika because no one even knows who he is around where I live!
  7. The people who don’t like Mika are just closed minded well that what I think anyway lol this mite be a bit off topic but when I first showed my mum and dad the Grace Kelly video they where like "WOW" that was amazing I was a bit surprised and happy they liked it and when I come down stairs I some times see my dad watching the Grace Kelly video on you tube lol I think its so cute
  8. I like the red pants brown sweatshirt combo
  9. your right the youtube video isn't clear at all. love today better come soon i say!! hehe
  10. ya i watch the music channel every day to see if love today is on the TV yet and it never is:( its so annoying. I love that video
  11. you guys are so lucky to have seen him live i would just FREAK OUT! if i got the chance to go see him i have never been to a concert before and to see Mika that would be the greatest thing on the planit thanks for the vids:)
  12. yes have you ever fainted?
  13. here it is it would be better if i didn't have that stupid writing across it sorry about that its a good pic still
  14. i really like the pic its so raw
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