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Big Boy

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About Big Boy

  • Birthday 10/03/1984


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    Mika Groupie

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  1. AHAHAH omg I went to Munich twice last years and had those at HB I was in heaven! And I absolutely loved your town you're lucky to live there! I have a pic of that in MySpace, feel free to add me if you want to
  2. I don't mind if he drinks... actually I hope to drink one pint with him some day haha
  3. Big Boy

    Bonjour !

    Salut Marie Je te souhaite la bienvenue!
  4. LMAO when I read 'braces' I thought that you meant teeth braces haha. Cool videos, thanks for sharing... that man got style :]
  5. People are still getting into Mika in the US, not everybody knows him... I'm sure that he'll keep climbing in the next few weeks
  6. Thanks again, I'm loving the board so far
  7. Thanks again guys I wanna hug you all haha BTW tantastic, I love Le Petit Prince ;]
  8. Welcome from one newbie to another :]
  9. LOL of course we can Mandi haha Yeah she was right, everybody seems to be so cool from what I've seen in other threads and of course, right here in this one... thanks for the warm welcome ;]
  10. Hi everybody :] My name is Paulo, I'm from Brazil and I got addicted to Mika 2 months ago... and ever since his music has only grown in me, and I love him more each day. I usually avoid joining forums because (1) I hate feeling like a newbie and (2) forumers are usually rude... but my passion for Mika's music and the advices of mandilambi (who told me to join this forum because everyone is nice) made me change my opinion... and now here I am So that's it... I hope to make some good friends in here. PS: cool place, congrats to whoever made the layout.
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