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Everything posted by bettasan

  1. perchè adesso porti il valigione? io ormai sono tascabilissima... potete anche piegarmi ad origami e mettermi in tasca... giusto le orecchie spuntano un tot...
  2. non mi riferifo alla presenza di coniglietti rosa ma a problemi tecnici casalinghi... che progetti hai? l'italian thread non può stare senza te....
  3. buongiorno a tutti! non chiedo come va perchè mi sa non è aria....
  4. se vuoi sono su skype... hai l milbox di mc intasata...
  5. Il micro mini nano pc funziona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anche l pc normale funziona .... broccoletti ha ricominciato solo perchè minacciao di sostituzione...... BIMBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. io con la nutella ho dato.... più che a sufficienza.... ho addirittura risparmiato il coniglietto della lindt che mi guarda ancora preoccupato dalla libreria dell'ikea... ora mi sgargarozzo gli ultimi mirtilli (sono in fase disintossicazione) e me ne torno al lavoro... a presto nutella dipendenti mie adorate:punk: _qui saluto generico_
  7. grazie tesoruccio mio! suppongo stia parlando dei trl awards.... non ho seguito quindi mi astengo ( e forse varrebbe la pena astenersi comunque ) bello l'avatarino rosa! adesso me ne vado seriamente... vado a giocare a tetris con le magliette e il cassetto dell'armadio uffa riuffa e strauffa
  8. SONO TORNATAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! pensavate di esservi liberati di me?????? NO! ho settantacinque milioni di post da leggere...:shocked: ma ne riparliamo domani perchè mia madre sta ulrando che devo mettere a posto la roba stirata, quindi solo un generale: MI SIETE MANCATI TANTO!!!! tutte queste settimane lontana mi hanno fatto capire due cose: 1) è assolutamente necessario imparare a costruire, smontare e riparare da soli i computer stramaledetti 2) anche stando così tanto tempo lontana il virus riccio e colorato non mi ha mollata, ergo non c'è più salvezza.. neppure l'astinenza è riuscita a qualcosa! ringrazio tutti per non avermi riempito la casella di accidenti (ma vi avverto ho intenzione di leggere tutti i post arretrati... attenzione lol lol) e in particolar modo santa robi e santa allegra per aver stoicamente sopportato le mie sporadiche apparizioni e risparizioni
  9. ormai è certo che le oldling italiane monopolizzano questo thread con le foto di Mika *cerca l'inizio dell'invasione*
  10. My favourite penguins after Rose: We have a zoo in Rome, but i don't know if there is any penguin now...
  11. I want all to be perfect so i will be patient and calm (and silently starting to giggle..) they will announce it the day we will not thinking about it any more... only i was getting worried yesterday not seeing freddie on line anymore after he said later... i saw him back and i'm allright now! I was waiting next time to see Mika... but now... i'll wait only for you Rose!!! penguin or not penguin.... i love the penguin HI KATH CHARLOTTE and WENDI!!!!!
  12. news on Fd and Deano... edit: i've just read the reopened-reclosed thread... i am patient...
  13. Yeah! i'm fighting my post gig depression with an unbelievable quantity of nutella chocolate and chocolate cookies... nothing better than chocolate when you're down How are you? Any news yet?
  14. good afternoon oldlings and not oldlings :wub2:
  15. mika tanto... ho ancora le fatiche romane a cui sopravvivere... a domani crollo dal sonno!!!
  16. It just felt so strange to find them on the shelf at tesco with my MFC friends after a night out!... while i was looking for cookies.. i had to take pics! We were just came home from the night at the 38 bar (sorry i said 26 gig, but that was what i had still on my mind on wednesday) i could have see them in any other moment but that night they had a special meaning... i need to find the advertise on you tube... i'm already sleeping... better to go!! night all special hugs to the penguin
  17. i'm off to bed too... no news i was able to retrieve those from my cell phone: from Tesco after the 26 th gig, i was thinking about my oldlings... maybe you english know about them but it was really a funny surprise for me...
  18. i think he did not see it.. he would had not resist to comment if he had off topic: FREDDDIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! sorry but i had too...
  19. travelodge tea... :naughty: i wish we could see his face when he'll find that tea bag...
  20. you're welcome! Yes i know.. the price of success i think... this was the first and only video i took of him... i'm not really good at and i don't like it that much, i prefer to look at him when he smiles but i'm proud of this...and it was the only way to see him that night.. too many people... we are the best! ahemmm anyone knows where freddie is hiding? later... now it's quite later don't.. i can't stay for more than other two hours... but maybe it was not THIS monday maybe a 2009 monday be patient it takes ages...
  21. it's a BIG file... do you want me to upload it on you tube?... but that would be smaller.. really small
  22. I'm back from dinner.. a sweet for the oldlings (some of you already saw it... but my camera screen is so small ) i have it in .mov too (better but bigger) http://www.sendspace.com/file/l7umpr
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