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Everything posted by bettasan

  1. Evening oldlings! i feel homeless since FD closed the thread, can i hang around here this evening after dinner? i need some place to chat... vicky i did not forget you! i have to upload the video somewhere...not that it's much worthy now, after the after party do you believe i still have not read any review yet?
  2. le hanno dato una carta d'identità d'emergenza all'ambascaita ed è tornata a casa sana e salva!
  3. ok... sono io che sto sclerando, ma cercate di capire che è l'età che avanza inesorabile... continuando di 'sto passo sarà arrivato al terzo o al quarto... scuola, bei tempi, ai miei però non c'era mika c'erano i take that e le spice et altri, io non li seguivo ma me li ricordo... arghhh sembra ieri...
  4. What? Io ormai vado per le oldling mia cara, salvo qualche raro sprazzo di energia, quindi? se sei di roma pure tu sparami... o spiegami... kamuss se mika viene a roma ci organizziamo in una maniera tale che rimarrà nella storia e giuro che non sto scherzando
  5. roma, sei di roma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVVAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! :punk: non sono più sola e abbandonata nella capitale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ci saranno altre occasioni all'estero
  6. I'm waiting for a friend to have tea... she doesn't know that the plan has changed... i only hope fd has not close it to let us cook until this evening only to stop the chatting... Oh my ... i would not feel this way even i was to have a baby i think..
  7. I do! To get back to our wish of the day... FD has just closed the thread... do you have the champagne ready?
  8. I'm not exactly an high requested person :naughty: for me myspace it's almost all about mika and mfc, there are some exceptions but you are the ones i really care for mfc people are quite the only i want to add and ask to be added now i'm happy to have you as a friend, i should have asked you before!
  9. Kata e shady hanno bisogno di aiuto, ma non credo solo loro! Qualcuno di voi ricorda chi era con loro quando hanno fatto la foto con martin? non ricordano chi l'ha scattata... che peccato tutte queste foto perse così... Chiunque abbia notizie si faccia avanti! sembro chi l'ha visto...
  10. Let's start a SQUIRREL FAN CLUB! proud, my space?
  11. yeah... i need some more days to fix the pieces, then maybe i'll start to act 'normal' -mfc standard normality - again ... four days with mika and MFC friends are too many to go back home unharmed... maybe if deano post something my day would be saved and my depression healed i'll need some time for myspace too.. i need to ask to add some people and i have to stalk queenie for the squirrel pic the best pic of london gigs... the squirrel!!
  12. Hi Danika!!! I Simply adore the book, there were a LOT of artworks on it!! It's amazing!!! You tube worked in the end... Ragazzi c'è un casino di roba da leggere vero?!! mamma!! certo che le fotine del mr ti fan sempre riprendere dalla stanchezza...vado che la roba da lavare non si divide da sola... Un grande saluto alle new entry! Vi ripescherò una ad una prossimamente per un saluto come si deve, promesso!
  13. *tries to help freddie* Deano my dear, i'm logged only waiting for this while i clean around the mess i left (and found) for london gigs... i'll stick to the pc ALL the afternoon and ALL the evening if i need too... wherever you are hiding remember WE WILL FIND YOU
  14. Thanks freddie.. now i can go to feed the cat! I'll be pleased whatever be official will mean! The simple fact that Mika recognize us makes me HAPPY! And the power of MFC is the people that make it, and we'll be together official or not, i love you oh..i think i haven't recovered from my post gigs depression... i want to meet you again soon... if i'll be not pleased i will consider throwing tic tacs at you...they are small but they hurt...
  15. Good morning everyone! Cio robi:wub2: I have to go and feed a cat! Poor love i can't let him starving longer...but i don't want to miss it
  16. salve a tutte e bentornate , scusate ma non mi sono ancora ripresa e non ho praticamente letto nulla! Ci sentiamo presto (ho ancora la valigia da disfare e 24 ore di sonno arretrato!) Ciao!
  17. Allegra you said all! Thank you Mika! Thanks to The Penniman Family, John, the Band, the Crew! You gave us some special moments we will cherish for the rest of our life! thank you
  18. Anyone still left out? I'll fixed them yesterday, i'm on my way to the airport now so i can't upload the file... You'll find it on the first post saturday morning when i get home! Bye people!!!!!
  19. so che è tardi ma non potevo andarmene senza salutare!!! Baci a tutti!
  20. I printed a copy for mika and one for the band yesterday ... I'll add the missing pics on a separate page all the missing i'll have for this evening... i'm leaving early tomorrow...
  21. i just want to hide somewhere now.... You're not silly and pedantic, it's me i'm too distracted lately... i know this is mostly for ourselves, but i can't help to feell sorry anyway :-(
  22. Maybe i have to remove the dowload link until tomorrow...
  23. and that's three... now i really feel stupid... edit: found your pic in the pc but not on the list i used to check the pics...
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