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Everything posted by bettasan

  1. Missed allegra too... but you know what is waiting for you..don't you? your privacy will be safe...
  2. I still have to read all, girls...thank you all for your pictures, they were all so lovely!! and thanks for nice comments... i'm glad you liked it, sometimes i thought it was too "lollipop and baloons" :naughty:only sorry i had no time to put some lollipops and candies in it. Blue Sky wait to print it! I left Blue Eyes off (stupid mistake merging layers... ) and i have to correct it.. can you wait 24 hours? i'm gonna fix it tomorrow... if someone else is missing pleae PM me! thanks again now i have to go, i still have to start pack for london
  3. Here is the new thread with the download link!! Can some mod close this please? http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1191620#post1191620
  4. For some reasons (like trying to do three things at the same time) i missed someone pics, so if you have downloaded it please DO NOT PRINT IT NOW, i will upload a correct version of it ! check if you are in the poster, if you can't find yourself please PM me I uploaded a small version so you can see it: MFCpostersmall.jpg The full size will be 25 MB
  5. I finished the poster and printed it, five minutes to upload the file for you and I'll start a new thread! Thank you all for your patience...
  6. rapido passaggioper dirvi : big girl su all music ora devo andare a stasera!!!!!!!! baci a tutti! edit: su MTV pure..ore 10 guarda te se mi riesce d'uscire...
  7. *bumps* Dear Mika and Mika management, now that the Brits are over, would you please remember about us? after you recover from the after party... thanks :wub2: :wub2:
  8. Congrats to Mika for his FIRST brit, so many will come! You all enjoy the after Brits Thread/Party!! now i really have to go (i should not have been here at all tonight... so sorry if i was not really here tonight ) again: has anyone recorded it? please!!!!
  9. i was too late... ... it'a a horrible day today...
  10. Thanks for the statistics Blue Sky! *dreams about when she will get to 1000 posts*
  11. The poster will be posted tomorrow evening, i'll a start a new thread for it so you can discuss how weird it is and how you can kill me at london gigs for what i made... :naughty: I'll take it to print in the afternoon and i'll upload it somewhere as i come back home.
  12. Sarina, mi spiace tanto, io non sono molto brava con le parole in questi casi, ti abbraccio forte e qualsiasi cosa noi siamo qui per te.
  13. iuhuuu? nessuno? poi dite a me che non ci sono.... vabbè vado a rendermi utile in casa...
  14. dovrai rimanerelì ad aspettare me invece... mi riconsola di non essere l'unica ad arrivare a stansted Jeyjen a che ora arriva? esiste una vaga possibilità di beccarsi tutte in aereoporto ?
  15. near 500 posts in 24 hours is scary!! you'll be on part 13 before london gigs... *hides away from the oldlings*
  16. mentre vaghi in giro per la campagna londinese sul treno sbagliato?? :naughty: ma a che ora arrivi? perchè calcolando che io arrivo alle 12 con bagaglio a stansted e devo in ordine: arrivare a londra, trovare l'albergo, infilarmi il fancy dress, trovare la carling (se tra una cosa e l'altra mi riuscisse pure di mangaire sarebbe un miracolo), forse sarai tu a dover tenere a me il posto, rossa
  17. incognito MFC'er = the president Allegra = the president's assistent me = president security ( bouncing ears are a deadly weapon - if you do not believe me ask to people at Bologna gig) or me = early Easter Bunny (this does not makes sense but it's MFC, isn't it?) you decide
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