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Everything posted by bettasan

  1. ok... if freddie doesn't post anything else... or you'll miss a pink bunny...
  2. i'm close to have an heart attack... :shocked:
  3. che nota dolente... qui si va in bancarotta...
  4. it was really like a dream... we'll have some more dreaming at february gigs... it is too quiet today... Is anybody home?
  5. pink!!! where are you!! give me the link to the chocolate thread!!!!! :naughty: i'm lazy today.... *back to the poster*
  6. 1) odio gli esami di economia.... 2) peccato non averti con noi... 3) sexy back, ma in realtà non la faceva esattamente lui.... per ulteriori dettagli del casino scoppiato al riguardo chiedi a Greta... adesso vado a controllare le ultime!
  7. thanks bab! I hope you'll like my "interpretation"... maybe robertina will give you some news tomorrow... now i go and take care of my baby. Night all!!!
  8. Snow!!! :mf_lustslow: Last time it snowed here i was six... Official? Still working on it ...the rest it's a secret all i can say :wait for something extremely colorful rough copy tomorrow evening... but only for Robi sorry! random random *pink bunny bumping thread*
  9. i'm posting, watching ( well really not completely... more just listening) Tv and working on the poster... is it that cold there??? Here i'm like 50 cm from the heater... i have an electric fan blowing cold air in the computer or it stops working....
  10. wendi!!! don't write OFFICIAL so big.... i was close to have a heart attack I'd love to meet you again before it
  11. you! chocolate... temptation... I'll check the thread later, as i get home ... meanwhile Don't get this thread out of ramdomness... ( Wendi forgive me )
  12. vabbè ti do il tempo di riprenderti e postare le foto entro lunedì Hi BlackQueen, i'll see you in london then! now i'm sorry girls i have to go, i don't have money in my credit card to book the plane... need to go and put some in Bye!!
  13. i'm not promiscuous... ..only because i love to wear pink bunny ears... i need some chocolate now...
  14. :naughty: beware of the pink bunny pink unicorn
  15. quante ore mancano per vedere le foto? :roftl:
  16. official randomness *thinks some pink ramdom ramdomness and leaves*
  17. all this ramdomness made me get the tickets for 26 and 28 gigs... *blessed ramdomness* Mika should make us official only for the miles and miles we fly to see him...
  18. ripeto: tutta colpa del petition thread... :naughty: e poi avevo ancora 18 sterline avanzate da Glasgow...
  19. ho deciso improvvisamente che era meglio non perderli... gli ultimi due non si sa mai che può accadere *speranza speranza* visto che siamo insieme 4 giorni spero di riuscire a fare due chiacchiere prima che la carenza di sonno ti colpisca... avete qualche suggerimento su come dare la notizia a mio padre..? perchè ancora non lo sa
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