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Everything posted by bettasan

  1. bacio della buona notte a tutte! ci si sente domani!
  2. tutti tranne noi due... a me una cioccolata corretta, please... meglio ancora una bottiglia di Brachetto...
  3. I was -still- home with this damn flu today and had a lot of time for tv...so: HE is on exclusive on Mtv for this week and was the wannabe video of the day on trl ... :thumb_yello: i love to be home when they play mika videos... grazie del link Greta.. i traduttori fan sempre comodo..eh eh eh
  4. :tears: ma è possibile che alla fine andate tutti???!!! bua bua buaaaaaa! vi avverto fin da ora, regalini sì regalini no ( a meno che non lo dichiari ufficialmente) , qualcuno di voi si ritroverà uno dei miei biglietti in valigia...
  5. grazie... sapevo che sugli invasori italici si può sempre contare... cmq ..betta -non c'entra nulla, ma è un po' che mi chiedo..il giffino tricolore è stato aggiunto a richiesta o cosa?..sapete non ci dormo la notte...- *vado obbedientemente a fare la lavatrice*
  6. lo..ce ne saranno tantissime, ma mi dispiace lo stesso... più che latro mi vien da piangere a sapere voi là mentre io sono in ufficio *brr*
  7. permettetemi di aggiungere altre lacrime :tears: come si diceva oggi, robi, dove c'è mika ci sono italiani..
  8. in mezzo alla settimana..non se ne parla... a meno che non cambi lavoro.. ma per allora non potrei venire lo stesso... sigh sigh sigh
  9. grazie per l'incoraggiamento...devo farmi coraggio e arrabbattare due righe in inglese gulp...ma perchè mi vien sempre il panico??? bacio alle tre piccole pesti... ps se avete suggerimenti per i prossimi giorni fatemi sapere..che sono ancora da fare...
  10. sto sistemando per IE... abbiate fede... robi consiglia di aprire un thread apposta voi che dite? *back to photoshop*
  11. non provocare..che appena trovo il tempo....
  12. sera a tutti, vi lascio moolto velocemente un regalino cretinissimo e ancora in fase di completamento ( ma se aspetto di finirlo come dico io..arriviamo a pasqua)..... consigliato firefox....non riesco a farlo funzionare del tutto con IE (greta non c'è speranza).. a dopo! xmas07MFC suggerimenti ben accetti
  13. mah... io non mi ci scambierei... mi diverto mooolto di più!!
  14. qualcuno in giro o -visto che è sabato- siete -come tutte le persone normali- in giro a far baldoria???
  15. thanks blue sky! ...that is a really good idea...
  16. Do you want to practise english? ok! too much to work...really...ah ehm..i'm supposed to be working now..but... i can't wait for january to come and it'll be over (two jobs are too much ...) and more my computer and me spent some time like this: bad bad days... the postponed gigs...i'm so sorry for you! i've read something about MFC'rs in London, anyway i wish i was there with you... only to see the big girls dancing !! Dvd: I love the documentary (povero cucciolotto sempre ammalato:wub2: ), and i felt the same... how could he made all the tour so sick...it's a mistery to me...singing and singing.. and i wished to have lollipop in it too. *waiting for the release* I just hope the dvd made your depression get better... i don't know if and when will be my next gig... i can go only on week ends and glasgow was not cheap... i miss you... i met girl_anachronism last week (the girl from texas who was at bologna gig, do you remember her?) we went out for dinner and talked all the evening...my really small MFC meeting...i need one bigger...
  17. hi people! Greta amore mio!! che si dice in giro? ...sono stata un tantino assente... :boxed:
  18. Benvenuta!! siam sempre di più!!!!! di che zona sei? perchè qui son quasi tutti del nord...
  19. Congrats to all!! The quilt is so beautiful!! great work!!
  20. Am i the last one??? Sorry people!! These last ten days after Glasgow were a long nightmare of work and as that was not enough my computer has decided it hates the keyboard once and the day after it hates the modem…. I feel extremely stupid to write my report now , after all this last week gigs, but I want to share my memories of this night with all of my MFC friends… Sorry if I repeat something you have already said or read, but I can’t read the last thirty pages … can’t wait more than this to write or someone may close the thread…. Friday I was to late to join the Chinese or the club, so I just got a taxi to the hotel with a real nice half Italian taxi driver!! Four hours on a plane and I ended up in a taxi talking about colosseum…and eating a pizza at half past midnight alone in my room! Next gig I want to be in the hotel with all of you… on my own in bologna on my own in Glasgow…it was too sad… Saturday morning Finally I met you!!!! I was so happy to meet my Italian friends again and all of you others for the first time!!!! It was a really strange feeling… you travel so far, to a place you have never been, to reach people you have never meet before, but when you are there it feels like you’re home, with your family. It was like that in bologna too, but stronger this time… I’ve always been a mess with names and my English is terrible ( some of you told me it’s not so bad, but I still have to concentrate to understand people talking..and I don’t get all of what you say…) , but I had a real great time having breakfast ! Every where MFC goes waiters go crazy!!! The longest table in history… and MIKA ringtones all along… and Jemmalee ringtone too…the most contagious laugh in the world!!!! Oh my ..am I writing too much? I’m sure I’ll forget something anyway… After breakfast Shopping with MFC!!! I’ll write only this: we bought all the MIKA dvd ‘s available at HMW, we Italians tried to keep a low profile (* if someone ask …we’re from spain…*), I got “lost” at WHSmith, looking for some blue acrylic color to finish something I made for mika , and a card too ( forgot mine at home…)..i could spend my life there…all the colours , brushes, paper… it started raining… After a little more shopping everyone went back to dress up for the gig…I went back to my room, had something for lunch, dressed up, wrote the card, finished painting and I was ready too late too join all the others at Travellodge…as usual… And –surprise- no taxis!!! So I asked how to reach the carling walking…the girls at the hotel reception were wonderful…I would have got lost without their map ( and their cross and signs on it…). There was mostly NO ONE all the way to the carling, and I was like: perfect! I’m in the middle of nowhere , alone in a bright pink coat, with some pink bunny ears half out of my bag and carrying a pink roof house shaped box…a lonely Italian girl a few hours before the football match… I didn’t know if I had to be scared to meet some mad people or if they would have been scared meeting me…in doubt I tried to walk faster… It kept on raining..more…and getting colder…and it was so damn windy!!! And finally after walking for 15 minutes , far behind where my “center of the city” map ended, when I was about to ask someone where the hell the carling was (keep on walking and you’ll find it! The girls of the hotel said), Robertina was there with all ( well not all…) of you!! And I was home again… End of part one…I have to go now…I’ll finish tomorrow…please be patient with me…
  21. Giuli!!!! siamo con voi nello spirito!!! foto del gatto please... (adoro le palle di pelo...) e salutatelo da parte mia (ho finito le trasferte per quest'anno...)
  22. non aggiungo altro che questo: a me è entrata l'acqua nella borsa a sacchetto e in albergo ho dovuto asciugare il mio prezioso dvd con il condizionatore a 30 gradi a tutta ventola...
  23. oh you're welcome!!! after you cut and glued all the signatures to put together the petition you're my hero!!!
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