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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. :blush-anim-cl:hi freddie

    i have yet another question to ask you, sorry :S when do you think would be the best time for a meet up? i was thinking in the summer months sometime, maybe august when everyone is off on holidays from work and school?

    sorry to bug you :boxed:


  2. i'm panicking... it's started to snow again... the weathermen lied to me, MAKE IT STOP!!!! x
  3. hehehe, love that!!

    it's just so damn addictive! i can't wait for it to be released as a single so when it's on the radio... :lmfao:


  4. aww man that cat hug is cute!! lol

    hehehe, *pop* it's like my new thing... i find i do it at work loads too!!

    curses mika loo what you turned me into!!! *shakes fist* :lmfao:


  5. well, it hasn't snowed soo far... but i think it's getting ready to dump a loads... i don't think my poor butt can take any more snow... if i've fallen over once, it must have been well over 20 odd times i've done it yesterday and today alone... and i've fallen on my butt every time!!! but i gotta say, they've been pretty spectacular falls... :lmfao::naughty: xx
  6. hehehe, yeah i'm fizzy, thanks!!! lol


  7. you know you're a mika fan when, no matter how seriouser convo you have with anyone, when you here him on the radio, you just gotta do some sort of weird face/ move/ dance. and listening to blame it on the girls, you have to do the 'pop' after "but you blown it on a bottle of wine POP!" or is that just me x
  8. snowing again... but i was really crying this morning coz i couldn't go out and play in it!! hehehe tomorrow... i'm so out there!!!! x
  9. awww cool! i hope you treasured that bottle!! lol


    right organised... something i'm not good at!! :aah:

    so would you be able to come down... i REALLY wanna meet the person behind the famous 'freddie' title!!!


  10. hehehe, sounds like some real old soap story line!! sorry i know it's not a funny matter :teehee:


    you just keep smiling there... *hugs*


  11. hmmm interesting, lol

    erm, so as it's a new year (and i put this idea off for about 2 1/2 yrs) i was wondering if it was possible for all us in uk to throw an mfc party in summer. and i also wondered if it's possible if you could maybe ask mika to be the guest of honour?:blush-anim-cl:

    i know this is probably a stupid idea, coming from a complete idiot, but i wondered if it was 'allowed'?


  12. well... bully for you :shun: it's freezing and snowing soooo much here!! lol


    uh oh that don't sound good!!



  13. waaaaah!! lol

    how are you?


  14. oh i love this! i haven't been on mfc for a few days, and i missed like 12 pages from this thread... wow!! love it loads!! x
  15. i dunno what i'd give to go back and stop myself from buying her album... i'd go back and warn myself of the health issues of her damn addictiveness especially monster... x
  16. i can't stop laughing at that!! it's just something you'd do as well!! x
  17. that boy is a monster (m m m monster) that boy is a monster (m m m monster) he ate my heart he a a ate my heart he ate my heart he a a ate MY heart! help me, i fell into some kinda gaga madness... x
  18. hehehe, like that one!!


    hey, enjoy south africa! miss you! :huglove:


  19. yeahy! :huglove: i loved your one, it is going to stay on my shelf the whole year... even if it is bad luck!!


  20. happy new YEAR!! have a good one!!!



  21. hey! happy new year!!!



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