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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. meh? the child?? harsh!!!


    poor you!! *goes steals some for you* x

  2. both... :drool: loves minirolls... *gush* hehehe x

  3. totally agreed dude!!!


    :shun:!! x

  4. awesome man! a DW t- shirt?? *goes to look for one to buy self for chirstmas...* ykyamfw... 'let it sonws' comes on the radio at work, you happily sing away (in the fridge REALLY loudly) and wonder why customers don't like to take things from the fridge... x
  5. lol... for my GCSE speaking i said that i had a fly in my soup... that went down a storm with the examiner :lmfao:


    well, glad you're alright now!! hehehe


    i know my parents suddenly have a huff with me and i usually don't think i've done anything to bring it on... meh :dunno::roftl: xx

  6. erm, i'd say i have two songs that really are beautiful to me any other world i see you they get me everytime x
  7. there is always something happening when i'm at work!!! this is soo unfair! anyone know if they can YT it?? i hope you can love love x
  8. wow, everyone has such wacked out dreams! i love them!!! that is crazy dude!!! i would be in stiches if i woke up after a dream like that!! x
  9. i'm sure that would go down a treat i'm really a nice person... that is once you get past the oddness and freak streaks!!! lol! i do that at work... just stand and stare... especially at one of the managers everytime he walks past!! it's fun huh?!!! i litterally spit my drink everwhere when i read that... love your sense of humour!!!! x
  10. wow i love that... the longest word was (i can't remember the german word) but in the end it literally said, 'the small bagde on the hat of a small boat sailor' or something like that and it was like 26 letters long :lol3:


    aww man! i dunno what to suggest, i usually ignore my mum's show offs and wait for her to come talk to me... :dunno: x

  11. yeah yeah!!:woot_jump: thanks!!! x

  12. yeah that's the one... :lmfao:!!!


    yeah tiredness sucks loads!!!!


    aww, ask her to sing some more after stuffing your ears with wool! lol no, hope you two are ok now though :bleh:x

  13. i dunno :S i know that the space gets bigger when i do it? hehehe x hehehe, well i do it in a fun way. but when the space increase... i go a wee bit crazy!!!!!!!!! (come live with me ) x
  14. :bleh: hi! i just wondered, do you have a copy of mika singing let it snow?? coz my computer goes all gay on me when i try to download grrr! and i love that song neway!! x
  15. hehehe, but it is not something to be damned right? i done it soo many times, and normally i'm with someone, who usually runs away when i start x
  16. yeah right, one look at me, he'd peg it in the opposite direction, screaming hmmmm... i'm gonna start going to bed with a ladle next to my bed... :lmfao:x
  17. ykyamfw, anywhere you are, even in the middle of a busy shopping place, you hear RAIN and squeek, sing loudly and dance- making rain drops with your fingers (then having the immediate area around you suddenly increase as people try desperately to get away from you [yeah it happens])x
  18. i wish i never had the second one... we have decorative spoons in the kitchen, i used to like them, now i beg mum and dad to take them down!!!!:blush-anim-cl:x
  19. i had two and they were odd first one, i just got out the shower and had all these towels wrapped round me and i walked into my bedroom, opened a wardrobe to pull out some clothes and he was standing in there. i jumped out my skin and then i yelled at him "what the bl**dy 'ell you ding in my cupboard? get outa town man!" and he looked real sneaky and naughty and wouldn't. so i locked him in there and left him. (when i woke up from that, i literally fell out the bed to my cupboard, but sadly no such luck!) second one, was walking in the woods with a spoon (don't ask) and as i came up to a tree to hit it with the spoon, mika's head appeared and he looked cross and wanted me to stop hitting trees with spoons coz it's not nice. when i said no, he actually fully appeared and then tried to kill me with my spoon. (i now can't looks at spoons without thinking of him trying to kill me with it)x
  20. lolz i work at asda :crybaby: it's horrible!

    i love german.. well it's soo fricking hard!!! and the word for science... :lmfao: it's my favourite ever word! lol

    awww i did that once... and i claimed i got abducted by aleins who zapped me up, i looked round their ship then they threw me out, landing in the biggest mudiest puddle ever... needless to say, everyone i told, wanted to know when i was next checking in at the funny farm :teehee:

    i'm ok i think, tired, but then i'm always that these days!

    :huglove: x

  21. looking at a pic of a good frien of mine in a dress... (he's an 18 yr old boy wearing this amazing ball gown... and he suits it!) watching a work mate smack another work mate on the elbow (funny bone) with a broom- to which he collapsed on the floor "crying" as we stood there peeing ourselves:lmfao: thinking of how funny a pantamine would be if it were called "jack and the boob tube" :lol3:x
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