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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. welcome to our home have fun! x
  2. hi hi (date... ) welcome!! x
  3. hunnyangel


    hello, i just saw the date of your post welcome to the club! x
  4. so were my work mates... i got a day off to do that... for RAINBOWS!!! x
  5. finger painting and generally acting like a 4 year old x
  6. love that!!! yup, you killed that last shread of innocence :lol3: chopped down that tree... :lmfao: it's nice to find some people equally as disturbed in the head as i!!!! :das:


    what are the rehearsals for? i forgot :doh: hehehe how did they go?


    i'm good, i had a training day today, so i got to act like a kid again and 'learn' new skills. but irather feel, finger painting, moulding clay and colouring in things to be more... oh i dunno... FUNTASTIC!!! :lmfao: x

  7. this was a really mean trick my friends at work played on me d: oh yeah i for got to say, there's was news about mika today me: what news, i don't know no news, news about what, what about mika *i said it really fast and all at once* r: d: yeah it was all over the front pages of the papers... me: WHAT WAS? what news about mika? d: well he had a break down last night, and did a britney me WHAT? r: yeah, i heard about that too, he shaved all his hair off me: shut up. that's not funny d and r: we're not joking seriously, he went mad and shaved it all off, it's in the papers and was on the news this morning me: *i actually welled up and was sooo close to tears* that's not nice, he'd never do that? d and r: well he did, and that's true me: *a small tear rolled down my face* b b b but... d: oh helen, i'm soooo sorry... me: *pushes her off* i know you're lying, and that's not funny d and r: of course he hasn't shaved his head, he still has a full head of hair as far as we know!! me: *whispers* i love his hair. i'd die if he did it for real *shouting now* THAT WAS REALLY MEAN, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT TO ME, YOU KNOW THAT MIKA IS NOT A SUBJECT TO BE MESSED WITH and yeah, i really did cry, there and then on the spot, with customers walking passed too:blush-anim-cl: x
  8. hi :bye: it's great to know you!!!


    my oh my... you have no idea the images that were/ are going through my head after reading those!!! ( course you did.. you wrote them :doh: ) wow!! i love them!! is there really another part? coz i just can't stop reading them!! they're brilliant!! :fangurl: lol


    how was your day today? x

  9. and i loved the first one... i now need to read the others... i LOVE IT!! you're great!!!


    i don't think we have either lol!


    i'm helen, or h, which ever!! love the changing of your c to a k :roftl:


    h x

  10. oh man, what a beautiful family. i wish i was their mum to be really proud of them. and fortune'... well he's even taller than mika right?? wow!!!! x
  11. lol


    yeah boy!! course i do :das: hang on i'll pm my email to you :) x

  12. i'm real sorry to hear that, i hope it gets better for you xxx
  13. well you has great ideas all the time!! :roftl:


    aww can't wait to see that!!!!!!!


    my day was great, only day off this week so far!!! :woot_jump: hee hee hee


  14. wow, you have more talent?? how much more do you have man?! lol, i listened to them both... and you're right! WAG is more harder to sing than GK... crazy!! lol

    :tears: i still haven't got PDP... i've moaned and pestered my mum and dad about it all year so hopefully this year... :roftl: x

  15. aww freddie i know what you mean, everything has been real gloomy, even when the sun comes out, it hasn't changed people's moods. it's been just average for me, apart from passing A levels and getting a uni place, nothing else seems to be blindingly exciting and great but hey such is, i guess we can only hope that next year will be a whole heap better x
  16. i think i need the loo... so that's how i feel??? ... good luck with the homework!!! x
  17. that is soo true but hey, such is... my imagination will have to do... x
  18. i'm not truely enjoying these dark mornings... i'm going to work and it's dark and by the time i am coming home... it's getting dark again x
  19. lol, yeahy!!!! i love looking at photos!!!! hehehe :huglove:

    how have you been today then?


  20. why must everything he does, make me wanna hug him more? x
  21. i think that would be awesome!!!! last night, i dreamt i was sooo hungry. i was led to a room with a box on a table. and then they locked the door. i walked over to the table and looked in the box only to find it was full of jelly babies i was real excited, i reached in a pulled a few out and looked at them, only to discover that each of them were/ had mika's face on them. i thought it was a wee bit weird and was about to eat one when it screamed and when i looked closely again, they were all tiny bits of mika. i.e. happy, sad, excited, shy... you get the idea. but i was hungry... so i either ate mika bit by bit or went without food. so i set each individual jelly baby mika out on that table and laid on the floor so i couldn't see them any more. when i woke up i was very much wtf and i won't eat the rest of the jelly babies in my room x
  22. and you know what... i trust you :roftl: you seem erm... "safe" :lmfao: wanna see pics of all the people you convert!!! including you!!!!!!!! :wink2: x

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