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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. welcome it can be a funny show, not so funny now coz the main host (mark lemar i think) left and so did the other captain (bill bailey). but it depends if the guests are funny and co- opperate in the jokes and laughs hehehe x x x
  2. yeahy thanks clare :):huglove: x

  3. cheery cheery :) i know how you feel about being stuck in a rut, but i guess, we have to go on anyway. i does suck though. i hope you (and i) find a way to get out soon :huglove: x x x

  4. i just choked on my hot chocolate when i read what he said about the begining of blame it on the girls sounding like the ting tings... i soo thought that when i heard it!! x
  5. amen and it's a club goer too, my clubbing hippie friend- who hates anything that isn't dance liked it... so going on what he said, this should be a good'en! x
  6. was that the boxing day one... coz i think i may remember the song... but i'm not 100% :s x
  7. loved the squelling pigs and mariah carey bit... love calvin harris x
  8. aww thanks kat have fun at the party my love x
  9. trying to keep a straight face... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-1Wa7SnPRY ...
  10. can i see the shoes? i like imagining him wearing (or not wearing in some cases) things:teehee:
  11. i has a spot on my tongue.... i burnt it with hot chocolate.... now it hurts....
  12. it worked:blink: weird! anyway, i just shoved a french stick up my nose... hmmmm not too clever huh x x x
  13. i dreamt (when i slept eventually) that me and he were having a race with them weird lil' felt worms you can get with string and we were pulling them through our fingers... i won of course, then we got into a big fight. but then a giant felt worm came and ate us
  14. get the pink hippos to STOP jumping on my chairs...
  15. sooo cool!! good for you!! yeah college was hard but liveable i guess... more liveable than uni next year though :boxed: but hey, such is and all!!! how have you been then?? h x x x

  16. aww cool, i visited New Jersey last year, i can't remember which bit it was but i caught the train to New York? lol, cool job! i bet you laugh when you say you're a lollipop girl :teehee: rain... seems like that's all england is used too... bit suckish i guess!!! lol love n hugs h x x x

  17. not my dream but my mum's i walked down stairs and said morning to mum like normal and she said " oh that's it, i'm not talking to you again today, because of you.... i had the weirdest dream about mika. and one foot boy" and i thought, a simple morning would have done wonders. so i asked her to describe the dream and this is what she came out with she was with mika and they were standing in the album artwork, when suddenley they were being chased by something (no idea what) but then she couldn't run coz one foot boy was clinging onto her leg and grinning at her. mika was frantically shouting at mum to run and to hurry up but she couldn't run too fast as one foot boy was sitting on her leg, so mika was trying to coax him off her leg and to carry on running. and then mika was yelling at mum to hurry up coz she was too slow and the things were gonna catch up with them, but as they ran, they were running through the album art work... then she woke up i was a bit like, odd! and she moaned at me for even letting her listen to him to start with... well stupid me:naughty: x x x
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