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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. hehehe, right we must start by training to run... :lmfao: :lmfao:
  2. i'd do it!! i would however, either need to be blind drunk, half asleep, or really bite the bulet and be wide awake and ready to run a mile in the opposite direction after i say it
  3. hehehe, i loved the person who said that to me sooo much. then i haven't seen him for years :/ dead jealous!!! lucky you!!! don't say that, there is always someone you will miss your smile. i feel like that from time to time, that no one will care, but you'd be surprised, trust me and yeah, thanks dark angel x x x
  4. don't you think that, personally we think we look awful, but there is always someone who really doesn't think so... i was told when i younger, to never frown coz you never know whose gonna miss the smile you wear i loved that, and try to live by it all the time
  5. i cried when i read that... what a sad sap i am. of course we're all gorgous in our own way, and we are far prettier than the person the other side of the mirror anyway:wink2: x
  6. what rude people. what are us fans meant to do, stand there and be totally quite, not singing, not appluding... not uttering a sound... this person needs to get a grip and grow some
  7. awww thanks i dunno if that will help though :s x
  8. hehehe, i'm from colchester... 60 miles from london love those last quotes... sweet!!! x x x
  9. *stumbles on thread. then runs in* i realised too that my job was boring, stressful and sooo not worth the effort. my only hope is that when i go to uni, i will find someone who will understand the obsession and not laugh at me like they do at work:naughty: i think we should hold hands and walk through this tough stage. what i have found possibly helpful is turning mika music up loud, pretending to be singing with him on stage and hairbrush singing and dancing. i know it's very stupid and not very 'grown up' but i don't care it helps:blush-anim-cl: x x x
  10. i want it!!!! x wow... you two really ought to live in my house... that's how i've been ALL day love you guys:wub2: x
  11. lucky you. mine takes 5 mins to load, 10 mins to find internet, then for no apparent reason, it drops out...grrrrr!!
  12. hehehe, i watched it on THE BOX yesterday... flicked onto it by mistake, but was like it was amazing!!! i swear i say that all the time... and i seen that video about a gazillion times!!! so where abouts are you in england then? x
  13. whilest serving curry, a couple had a minnor tiff *: i'll have a benoo please ~: it's bhuna *: no it's benoo ~: no bhuna *: benoo *~ suddenly shouts in middle of shop* ~: IT'S SAID BOOOOOOONNNAAAAAAAAAA... BOOOOOOONNNAAAAAAAAAA me and *:
  14. hehehe, i know... but hey! aww i hope you feel better x:huglove:
  15. alice... write a story with your nose... mission!!!!!
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