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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. oooooh lucky you!! i was working all those nights... and that was when i only worked two nights a week!!!! grrr would be soo cool to meet up at the hammersmith one!! x:roftl:
  2. omm my attempt again i8 olovfe ji8ika aqnd tywe jmrfc ...
  3. awsome for you!!! are you going there next year? *crosses fingers*
  4. hehehe, did you watch the movie... :blush-anim-cl:i'm 18 and dragged two friends to watch it at the cinema:blush-anim-cl: and i admitted that on the internet
  5. there's a giant fly buzzing round my head... if it does it one more time i'm gonna go crazy!!
  6. c'mon guys, i looked for one already out there but there isn't... alright, i'm gonna come out from my open- doored closet and say I'm a fan of hannah montanna!!waits paitently for a comment about how stupid i am LOL! i dunno what it is about the music.... it's kinda trance inducing... erm... anyone wanna say something nice... or nasty to this 'poor' choice in music?! h x x x
  7. hehehe, do you get weird looks from your folks when you suddenly burst out singing?? i sort of get a look from mine x
  8. which one do you wake up singing the most? i either wake up singing OFB or ISY x
  9. i loved that! i liked the bit where he says he is 3 metres tall and travels in a giarffe car and the record company puts hay down for him and then when he says he is a killer and then the madonna bit love it! x x x
  10. why didn't i think of that well, i think i need a recipe of all things you can put choclate spread and or peanut butter in!!! x x x
  11. proud but stupid... i never realised how amzingly supperly brilliant chocolate spread goes with peanut butter!!!!
  12. love that!! friend1: i hate octopus their wierd friend2: yeah their sort of like slugs me: friend1: yeah friend2: expect they don't have tenticley leg things friend1: no, true friend2: and they don't have a body friend1: oh yeah me: slugs aren't really like octopus at all are they? friend1 and2: no they aren't are they:blink: me and people sitting at another table:
  13. daamn! lol singing from the audience...hmmm, that's a real cool idea, maybe he should try that!! x x x
  14. STOP THE THREAD i want his jacket oh i had no idea what that woman was saying... but i don't care, i was too busy watching him... and my new jacket LOL!!!! NOOO i can't watch the rest... dinner see ya next time lil one!! x x x x x x
  15. woah!! CRAZY!!! lol loved the boys blaming the girls bit x x x
  16. brother was in shower then started screaming. when he came out mum: ok why you scream loud? bro: i decided... it was about time i shampooed my eyes me:
  17. hehehe, without being mean (coz that's soo not what i mean) they look like he's been in a massive fight with a tiger, and he got out the fight the best i loooove those jeans! x
  18. i find it hard not to smile at all after that glowing report!! x
  19. oh i like that review! lol, his stage activity being as elastic as his voice bit made me laugh a bit and gary go... x
  20. awww lucky you guys!! hope you enjoy!! x
  21. i love it!!! although must say, it has got to be i see you/ rain/ touches you/ one foot boy for me... but then, there's also, WAG, BIOTG, DJ... lol! i love them all soooo much!! x
  22. what have you been upto then? and why aren't you coming to london next year :tears: x

  23. hiya! i'm doing good thank you how about you? x

  24. having a stressful day at work today... suddenly i hear on the radio... relax (take it easy) i laughed for ages after x
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