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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. hehehe, don't worry about calming down... it's nearly febuary!!

    live it rough for the night, i'm sure that would be fun :teehee:

    or sneck into mika's icecream van, sure he won't mind :lmfao:

  2. tbh, do we really care? if he's happy, we're happy right? these critics need to wake up from grump land and stop casting long dark clouds over the very little happiness life has to offer
  3. for rainbow girl's mum...

    PPLLEEAASSEE!!!!!!!!!! i'll get my mum to talk to you... lol!

    it has only taken 2 years of REALLY hard struggle to convince my mum to go!

  4. ... i hope i can come to the after party bit! depends on the trains and so on which sucks
  5. what fun?? it would all depend on the time and the trains
  6. ... woah, they are... awesomely brilliant!
  7. changes- kelly and ozzy osborne oh yeah!! what one are you going to? x
  8. what do you guys see as the video being like? i see him shop lifting at the begining ( ) and then being taken in by the police. police: start questioning him mika: "i'll say nothing on your microphone...." police: mika: *points to a literal one foot boy sitting on his shoulder* police: *gets put in a cell* mika: "left here wond'ring was i crazy all along...." police: *question him with a mirror room and others watching* mika: *talking to mirror* "i'll say nothing on your microphone..." hmmm, that doesn't read half as good as it looks in my head!
  9. bodies- robbie williams... but not for much longer, i hate this song *switches off*
  10. hey, are you going to the london gig next year? :huglove:

  11. mum: there is no way i'm having a salt water crocodile dancing in my kitchen bro: well i would me: *thinks i missed that convo completely!* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *while play fighting my brother* him: yeah igot you now me: ow get off that hurts him: sorry *lets go of my hair and scratches his head* me: don't move you have a hair on you head! *mum walks in at this point* mum: i'd hope he would have several to be honest me and him: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *while walking in on kids watching TV* on tele: careful, ralph is getting stiff me: OMG!
  12. was feeling ontop of the world til mum said i have to pass my driving test or we're not going next year... even though it was a joke... it wasn't funny
  13. lolz, that's funny! any more ideas guys?
  14. i absolutly love this, can't wait for this to come out in the clubs!!!!
  15. i think this video would be good as a court setting, when i first heard it i thought that. judge: would the defendant please explain why you keep harrassing this person? mika: *sings* jury: *gets up and dances* judge: order, order! victim: mika: *volts the stand and starts dancing and gets blocked in by police* victim: stop! if that's the case?... *goes round table and then music... all singing all dancing* judge: if i have another case like this again?! *end*
  16. like my head is gonna explode out the back
  17. aww man why not? i really thought this time i would get the chance to see you!
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