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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. firstly just wanted to check, i think this maybe in the wrong place, and if there is a thread like this then delete this one! ok here's the deal, me and mum are going to see the one and only next year 28th feb in london. so all excited naturally! but, mum's going all old foggie on me and won't dress up. i just wondered if it's possible if all you who have been to a gig and dressed up could post pictures of what you have worn to give me ideas and maybe a few words to her to get dressed up, coz otherwise, i'm soo not taking her!!!!! thanks a mill guys and dulls! hunny x x x
  2. lol, sweet! that's something i'd say! that's brilliant! but how is what he was eating 'yummy'?!
  3. i want you to come to london!!!!! then we can meet :roftl:
  4. like my heart is gonna rip out my chest and dance all by itself!!!
  5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- me: where is it? *walks around* me: where is it? i swear if i don't find it soon i'm gonna blow chunks *walks and looks, brother watching* me: FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS GOOD IF I DON'T FIND MY I -POD SOON, I'M GONNA GO MAD brother: it's right infront of you me: brother:
  6. if i don't get up and scream and go mad some time soon, i'm ganna have a head explosion from the inside
  7. i got it from HMV, and it just changed... :shocked:

    i loaded it on i- tunes and it was playing we are golden acustic... i just replayed it and it changed to lover boy... :blink: what is going on!!!!!


  8. hey freddie, have a quick question... i bought the deluxe copy of the boy who knew too much yesterday... and the last track says it's lover boy (bonus track) yet when i played it, it turned out to be we are golden acustic

    is that right? x

  9. i choked on my drink when i read that!!!
  10. wow actual clothes for uniform?

    better than our shabby looking mess!! lol

  11. i call people that or george... and when i actually talk to a george... it's just not that much fun!! i say bogus loads and click my fingers, or when a convo ends, i recently have been saying 'We are golden'... and i have no reason as to why and where i got it from:naughty:
  12. i thought this song was amazing when i heard it, and sang along to it. then a new guy started work, a week later, and now i turely understand it's meaning and sing it when ever i see him:blush-anim-cl:
  13. awww bless, that sorta counts! we say that at work soo many times, i never know when we actually mean it!!
  14. me: aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhh, varucas in my ears!!!!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *whilst talking to a guy at work, who i wanted to noticed me, trying to make a good first impression but he sits on a hot side* me: did you know that if you sit on that for too long, you'll get piles? oh, and i'm helen him: me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mum: yes that's cider me: and it's lovely, oh let me stop dribling oh today has been a day!!!
  15. hehehe! i say fail and epic fail a load too, i also noticed/ got told i say butthead, waaaay too many times dude awww man ps, racinghorse83... what is the loop/ hoop thing about?!
  16. aww i know, that's why i was a lil bit shocked and just standing there a bit bemused by it! i don't think he can be mean like you said, unless he acts it
  17. i can't believe this! i was at work and so missed it for one thing this morning... and now youtube is down for maintainance... WTF!!!!! feel like
  18. well that sounds awesome!

    maybe you can get a free item everytime something new comes in store!!! :lol3:

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