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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. lol, what other subjects you taking? i guess your doing GCSE's?

  2. lol, no wonder you can't be asked!!!


    find a good song, and really concentrate on the words, so it numbs the sensation of having to trawl the web for info... got me through GCSE's and A levels... hopefully it should work in uni next year too... :)

  3. whose that then? lol


    that's truely suckish! poor you! find something interesting about her and milk it loads!!

  4. did you know... mika is a choreographyer-son (whatever!) and erm... yeah he's well known for staging and performing the lollipop lake and erm... grace kelly story... erh there's the famous erm, happy ending cracker and then there's the dr john fairy... :roftl:

  5. aww man, then i dunno? there's a box at the bottom that says the results if that helps overwise i'm sorry mate, can't help!! x x x
  6. lol, dance...


    do you have to do feel style or something? put on a mika song, crank up the volume and then just dance like a mad nutter... there, you're doing something you enjoy and it looks cool :roftl:

  7. lol, you probably don't want to know either, it's all the juicy snotty wee that comes out the box... lol that's what i think anyway!!


    soupdragon indeed! i love the clangers!


    (mum just read the first comment and is like... :blink: what are you two on about...!!)


    what are you doing then? x

  8. want to say a huge thank you to everyone. without you guys making me laugh with the outragous, crazy and damn right weird experiences you talk about, life would be a very dull and boring place. i'm greatful also for the amazing people and the friends i'm slowing making, it's all a step in the right direction... i wish one day we could all meet up every last one of us and just be us!!! love and hugs h x x x
  9. aww only a baby lol sorry, i hate it when people did that to me!!


    well, maybe you could try goat juice, or parrot juice... or even fish juice :lmfao:

  10. lol how old are you then??


    no more cow juice? HOW WILL YOU LIVE?!

  11. erm, click on take the test, then it asks if you want to open excel... open it and fill in the yellow boxes then when you finish press the enter button at the bottom x x x
  12. *just now, mum saw a picture of mika and said he was hot* me: mine mum: no me: mine mum: no me: mine mum: no me: mine mum: no me: MINE!!!!!!!! mum: hello lil' spider me: (mine!)
  13. :wub2: hey:) how have you been? x x x
  14. lol, bless!! *while at work friend rumaging around bin* f1: what are you doing? f2: looking for a date f1: are you going through a mid life crisis? f2: no done that already, i'm looking for a trout f1 and me: :rofl: *later working on cheese* ~f1 talking to cheese and answering back as cheese~ f1: oh why is there soo much applewood out? cheese: because we're soooooo delicious and people buy me! f1: *picks up a cheese and hits it* well if that's the case why is no one buying you??? me: ----------- f3: so what is it we have to do tomorrow then? f1: get ready for a stock take f3: is that going to take long *putting cheese on the shelf missing it and letting it fall on me whose stacking on bottom shelf* oh, i'm sooo sorry!! f1: helen are you alright? me: don't mind me, richard just dropped a block on my head
  15. love it! brilliant!! what the hell? lol lol bless lol *while putting stuff on shelf at work* friend slides up next to me *- you never guess what... me- what? *- every time i gotta reach to the top shelf... me- yeah? *- my knickers fall down (customer looks at her and walks away hurridly) me-
  16. lol!

    i have to go now, but i'll catch up with you tomorrow hopefully :bye:

    :wub2: x x x

  17. hehehe

    i'm sure your perfectly normal when anyone mentions him... :lmfao:

  18. the boy who knew too much... next one i will buy will be the boy who knew too much... deluxe... if i can find a store that sells it:sneaky2:
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