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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. i read this in the lite my dad brought home the other day, and unsuprisingly hugged it and kissed it... erm it i guess meaning mika wasn't so cool when mum found me doing that though
  2. gosh freddie, that is a tough question... i love them all soo much i do love touches you and i see you (made me cry when i heard it ) but i love them waay too much to really have to pick one! lol what's yours?
  3. hey and welcome to us here at MFC x
  4. hi and welcome ps love justin hawkins too! x
  5. welcome fellow liver of the south east have fun x
  6. what don't i think about it more like!!! it's amazing, and captured every possible emotion imaginable i found that its great for real early mornings as i gotta get up at 5.30 every morning, i play the album through and by the end, i'm off the walls, and can't stop smiling! lol what about you dear?
  7. oh my my guys... i haven't stopped laughing, mum keeps looking at me odd *while at work and talking about mika* *- when i heard his first song i thought what the hell me- why? *- i could be brown i could be blue, and i like violet pie, i mean what the heck does that have to do with the song? what is violet pie anyway... d'you rekon it's nice? me- *later* *- well to be quite frank, i think you need to be locked in your room coz you're a complete nut case, oh and take the mika bloke too, maybe he'll share his violet pie the mad man me- *on the floor dieing of laughing too hard*
  8. *walks in starts cleaning, dusting, feeds crocs then sits on bean bag* guess it's just me and you then...
  9. lol poor you well it was short lived but as usual i'm being kicked off the computer, so should have to be back later hope your all still here xxx
  10. tantastic!!!!! lol i know i was confused yesterday, but then it don't take that much!
  11. i haven't stoped listening to it yet... my CD was one of three left, so i felt like screaming and doing the most weirdest free style dance i could muster... but then there were loads of oldies around who would have thought i was on something back to reviewing... its like a really mad explosion of different sounds, a music factory the went mad, the morning after a blinding bender on the tiles, a fountain of emotion mixed together, a really crazy dream that leaves you think "wooooooooah dude that's mad!" bottom line, I LOVE IT!!! x
  12. that was hard, i like rain and i see you... and blue eyes, we are golden, toy boy...
  13. well i has the CD... :groupwave: hehehe brief summery!!
  14. (short explaination first) *walking home from town, see a bus, behind bus is a motor bike so looks like the bus is super fast* older man to wife: i don't wanna get on that bus wife: why not man: coz i might get to the destination on time... *me behind them*
  15. lol, i know time has a wierd habbit of when you try to catch it up... there it goes... nice to see you too, hows it been?? x:wub2:
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