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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. hi and welcome!!!! h x x x
  2. i'd nab the tallent... i have absolutley none what so ever!!! x x x
  3. aww you guys are soo cool!! and congrats on being offical! x x x
  4. nice to be back i think!! there are sooo many threads and links h x x x
  5. hunnyangel

    hi :)

    hi guys i haven't been on here for about a year, don't really know why i guess i've just not had time:( just wondered if it's still the same kind of thing as it was last year? i think i'll have a look around! love h x x x
  6. why not come join us at thehoosiersfanclub.com
  7. awwww i have one too lol oh well!! kittycatmika... is there a shorter name i can call you by????? and yes, it's very cold and cloudy!!
  8. i don't no... must go out and buy that i think:)
  9. thanks lilmot, you're pressies for me were amazing, i never thought i see the bottom of the box with all the chocolates- that i'm still fighting the folks off for!! and the mika mug... i was like when he appeared after i put hot water in it!!! lol i had a horrible feeling i wrote your name as holly, but by the sounds of it i did write it how it should be!!! lol thank you again and a big round of appluse to pink i do think is in order:woot_jump: without her none of this would have happened!!!
  10. might have done:p lol wait aren't you from the every sunny england?? did you see mika on T4 this morning live at paris?? (i think it was 10.10- 11.10am)
  11. oh so that's how you it... i always thought you were magic...
  12. if you're in the upper part oof the equater- europe to america etc, it'd very nearly christmas. only a few more hours:) to those of you elsewhere and are enjoying christmas, i hope you are having fun and only good things are happening for yas:p all the love hunny xoxox
  13. lol don't be cheeky! no my mum looks after them, and i played with them coz i'm a huge baby!! (what do you think of this band?? http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=QmAv97vCUWw)
  14. yeah it's been alright, been playing with some little kids all day, fell asleep with one of them and that's it really:p
  15. nice to see you again:) how's your day been then little one?
  16. ohhhh ohhh *hoping to be on page 69* lol well it's gone very quite in here again:( *crosses fingers that someone will be in soon*
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