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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. *both start slow dancing* hmmm ever wanted to sing on stage with them?
  2. i feel really spaced out... who wants to slow dance with me:lmao: wooo! i'll calm down in a m.... i love this song *runs to turn up aerosmith don't want to miss a thing*
  3. fries sorry must remember to say fries! no any virtual kitchen at the moment:p
  4. no can icome with you please? i really gotta get over that day when i nearly got killed:sneaky2:
  5. oh freddie i didn't know i'm so sorry for you, my deepest sympathies:huglove:
  6. *sits back and admires the partnership* you know i really love you two. i would go into the kitchen and sort out a nice big plate of chips and whatever's out there but i am terrified of it out there
  7. i couldn't bare it if you were really ill. i've had a cold since september... at least you are ok in the sence you won't be leaving for a better place:wink2:
  8. awwwwwww!! love the new name!!! and i'm the first person to witness it!!!!
  9. hmmmm, is what i thought it was til you said, 'why don't we make it freddie and sasje's bar'
  10. lol not much to tell, a secret crush is all. awwww, ooh, next year huh... well when i get home and get MSN back on, me and you have a lot to talk about secret like:wink2: soo my dear how have you been?
  11. *speaks in a very farmish way* ooh, like it, and as you are both my lovers
  12. me? how am i feeling... good question, i don't really know. happy coz i break up tomorrow and can finally sleep! but sad that i can't see someone for ages- til next febuary:( and i haven't spoken to you in ages lovey... *stands on a chair to be on you're level and hugs you very tightly*
  13. sure why not, if i suddenly cut out, my internet access is up:wink2: love you gorgous:huglove:
  14. i think i join most of you, i still haven't got mine yet:(
  15. i wish we'd all put our proper locations on. i mean it's killing me, i really want to know who i sent mine to. all i know is the country and area. lets all put actual locations so we know if our SMM has got there????
  16. hang on, he backs away from dressed up people????? oh hell, i'm soo confused, i thought he liked that?? i wish i could understand what he likes people to wear... 'The hoosier are copying me for getting people to dress up' but then if his going to back away?? ah?? funny little man- oh reminds me, i wish he'd cover that song by the aphex twin. would be soo soo funny
  17. posted today:S i only hope it gets there on time...
  18. i'm sorry all i get at college is oh the hoosiers their **** and their ******* awful i got a little annoyed, opinions are good:)
  19. why is it that everyone are so harsh. wanna know the truth, i hated mika. 1 song is all it takes. give them a break:sneaky2:
  20. well pink... *touches your arm* i'm married to sasje and ircazo too:p
  21. oh yeah!! deano!!1 i completely forgot... he doesn't say much though:( soooo quite! compared to us though!!!!
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