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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. sorry for a double post:S is this out now in shops looking at that link?? if it is, why has noone else said anything??
  2. so this DVD is out in November then?? not before? lol only i was told to sit relax and watch a mika vid... youtube video, just hit me!! lol lucky you!
  3. freddie... i was so sure i knew he was here... *coughyouit'syoucough* oh well, don't matter... i'll live... i have somewhere else to go:wink2: lol hug n love hunny xoxox
  4. yeah coz that's where i've bee looking and everytime i look nothings been added so that's why i've been putting suggestions as to how to vote and stuff! lol sorry about that... next time freddie's here...!!
  5. lol where is it? coz i thought the list was at the front of this thread... that's why i got mega cuffudled over where the list was!!!!
  6. WHAT!!! i've looked everywhere for that!!!! that's stupid! how did i miss such a big thing like that?! sorry sweetie, i'm a little thick as you can guess!!! lol thank you:huglove:
  7. how do we know who is going to be a rep?? should we make a list, then start a poll thread with those names for that country and vote that way, so then it's fair?? coz to be honest i don't see how this is going to work if everyone from one country is posting they'll do it. or we could find the highest posting person from each country and put them as the rep. i mean freddie is the higest for england so freddie should be our rep ect ect ect just a suggestion really hunny xoxox
  8. Mayi ask where this list is... i kinda have a feeling i'm looking at the wrong place:boxed:
  9. lol... so there is a reason behind all these songs then!!! you guys are quite quick off the mark! commending to you mel!! xox
  10. lol slightly a bit late now dear huh!!!!!
  11. i saw it the other day on TV didn't realise there was a post here about it so missed out first time... i was only just awake- barely had my eyes open... so when i saw it i was like' am i still dreaming?? if my teddies ever started singing to me i would go crazy coz that's what they DON'T do!! lol and then there was the purple balloon. i want one. at least i'd get out of bed in a morning!!! lol it was different to say the least! erm. what more can i say about the video... how does someone wake up and think, 'oh, 'Happy Ending' i know, mika can be dragged out of bed by a balloon into the outness of space and let hands sing' i want a bit of what that person had... see the world in another light instead of the dullness that i've become to see!!! lol much love- thanks dcdeb for sharing hunny xoxoxoxox
  12. lol maybe maybe, simon's stupid for not spotting mika's tallent... so why is he on X- factor?????? erm... i kinda wanna hear it but don't?!
  13. cheer up babe, i don't complain!! bybye everyone that's leaving. ircazo sweetie, see you at home, i'm going to bed! xoxox
  14. grrr, i hate being alone... homeworks suckish!!! ircazo... i hope you plan to help relax me when we get home:roftl:
  15. who wanted baylies?? *serves* i'm REALLY SORRY but i have to do this homework
  16. hey ok, *dances while talking* i got a job and spent the day training for it! lol hmm i want haylie to come talk coz i'm bored and can't come in as often celestee, sarah, i know what you mean:(
  17. lol malmen, it's make note from this book i have for compuer studies!! lol sorry but you can't help this time!
  18. bye hi again:( i really have got to do this homework so if i don't reply as quick, don't be upset
  19. *hugs and kisses ircazo* sorry sasje, but yeah dinner, homework ,then work tonight!! lol long old slog huh!! see you all later me dears... or as everyone isn't talking english today. gutten nacht alles!!! xoxox
  20. yeah nice to be together again... only for a bit though, coz i'm gonna go soon. sas, like i said don't worry!! :fisch:information overload, and iiiiiiiiiiii, just caaaaaannn'tttttt take any more!!!! ururhhhh!!
  21. hey you and hi clare how are you both?? sas it wasn't you it just felt like noone noticed me come in... and it also feel like i can never talk to you...:S oh celestee, come on can i please see??? PM me or something but please let me see pwitty pwease???
  22. just a water please, i'm gonna sit over here and do homework, and be ignored so you know, don't mind me:)
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