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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. yes mum i know it's just every night... i want my time back!!! wow! thank you, no it's this banana shape thing, it goes over UK, Germany, France, all of what you said really. oh thank you soooo much! you're great!! the lot of you are!!! (meleman how old are you?? seem to be doing a really odd argument)
  2. AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! soooo small!!!! wow!! must be a lot of hard work!!!
  3. oooooh! *jumps around excitedly* what what?? kittens??????? dale???
  4. awww hi there, you must be lonely:sad: poor you
  5. yeah. can we all come up with a plan to dodge homework???? that way, we can all forget about this thread and never worry about it again:roftl:
  6. :lmfao if that works, something would be wrong!!! :lmfao:
  7. lol, they could become indangered if they are killed??
  8. oh lucky you... my mum coud walk in at any moment!! if i suddenly disapear, i probably been caught:roftl:
  9. sorry:blush-anim-cl: it's a really hard topic!!
  10. nothing much, i shouldn't be here, i'll be killed when i get found out:shocked:
  11. they have a right to live, and therefore must kill and eat sheep by way of their survival?? they were there before humans and sheep were???
  12. honestly you won't be that bad... i REALLY need someone to talk to!!!
  13. ok my homework... help!! why is central europe richer than the other parts of europe???
  14. i hope so oh well better be going now love you bybye (and if freddie is about tell him i said bye too:p) xoxoxox
  15. hmmm lucky for some well better go, i could stay, but i better go to college oh before i go, did ircazo come back?? i really didn't mean to upset her you know:tears: i was just annoyed that you both complained at me when i did nothing to suggest i was upset about it:blink:
  16. grrr, it's cold:sad: and we never even had a summer!!!!
  17. *pops head out of jumpers* oh hey, i didn't think anyone was in... eirther that or i couldn't see:roftl: i'm not here long as that you know:S
  18. *walks in with so many jumpers on face is unseen*
  19. have to go now, good luk nicole it won't be that bad:p bybye everyone:huglove:
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