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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. oh... i'll try ind dates for next year then...
  2. ircazo, what happened last night? i remember you got home then when i woke up you were gone
  3. oks, if i'm not on don't worry, i've probably been kicked off!! oh the dates i'm free, that you can come over is the 20th- 27th october (it's only a week but it'll be long enough:wink2:)
  4. haylie what's wrong?? come talk... even if it's a little bit
  5. erm. erase. i cried the first time, cried the second time, cried the third time...
  6. :S soo odd. *cleans the bar and looks at floor*
  7. new shoes:wub2: makes me laugh how everything has a song about it
  8. ircazo my sweet loverly, i must go i'll go keep your house warm:das: see you guys:p xoxox
  9. oh sky i'm really sorry. perhaps we should stop ircazo my beautyful gorgous pants! cook:das: come on work with me... chicken... cook...
  10. it is... i could give you a bit more info on what you could erm... cook
  11. ok... you say when, i'll get us married:wink2: oh ircazo darling... do you have MSN??
  12. lol no me and steph were trying towork out where we lived, and i said a cave... and it stuck:roftl:
  13. i'm sorry sweetie... hey got an idea... how about me and ircazo marry you as well:p:roftl: (i love you ircazo not trying to replace you. oh btw, cooked windscreen wipers are pukeish. they need to be eaten raw. does he know nothing)
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