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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. ok then. i just won't get to come and say hello at anytime then:mf_rosetinted:
  2. oh wow!!if only someone would do that for me!!! my best friend's coming over tomorrow... i love him sooo much!! my friend at school was like... bet something might happen... chicken maybe... to which i nearly feel off my chair laughing soo hard at:lmfao:
  3. :lmfao: do you like them tasting a little more cheesy?????? love you too yeah but it works better if i was to have it in a more natual way ;-)
  5. mum! well i think i have something called SAD (seasonal affective disorder) which means i lack the vitamins from the sun... but oh well, i'll live!! how is everyone??? i have some spae socks....
  6. too be honest i'm sooo beyond tired today... it's like i have SAD all the time... i hate it!! anyway, how are you??
  7. it is now... this is the best babysitting i am able to do! i mean the people i'm sitting for... have allowed me to use their lap top!!! yeah for them!!! *hugs sara and sis down staring at her* so so soo.... how was your holidays then??
  8. *runs in hugs and kisses sara then runs out* (i have to go anywayz!!!)
  9. oooooh that's a good one, or we're a soap oprea! lol i gotta go, see you later hunny xxxx
  10. well i'm going now so see you all later?? bybye hunny xxx
  11. good thread... i wanted to start something like this... but you beat me to it!!! not a new album yet... next year:thumb_yello:
  12. david... mika meltdowns happen a lot here... (my house)don't worry sweetie. i always cry when i hear. happy ending, over my shoulder, any other world, your sympathy and erase... people laugh at me for being like it but hey ho...i'm the one crying not them don't worry, i'll be here for you
  13. that is one the best films ever!! it got me thinking that maybe my life is made up! i'm still not sure!!
  14. ok so why is noone talking anymore??? ICT web designing is brain numbing... i never reliase just how much work is required for it!!! now i truely appreicate what the guys do here for us
  15. while we're on thinking tearms (doesn't happen too often for me:p ) how do people know their colour blind?? i meantheir taught the colours so if a person was red/ green colour blind when they were taught that red is red (they see green) how do they know iit's not red??? sorry if that made no sence!!!
  16. you know i'm here right!! come down to us:lol3:
  17. oh don't do that!!! ingie tried that... the wives won of course!!!!!
  18. good thank you! i designed a web page for ICT without much help!!! sure sign i'm learning i couldn't do anything last week!! what about you????
  19. lol so do i!!! i just hope people aren't allergic to it!!!
  20. lol, how about a mansion??? that way everyone can stay... house warming gift MUST be mistletoe:lmfao:
  21. well if you add hot chocolate powder it would taste pretty snicker's like bybye nicole:p
  22. urgh worst bit of german... i could never ever get those der/ die/ das's round the right way
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