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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. hahahahaha!!! yeah especially for you:lol3: hey haylie
  2. you can call me hunny:p but you likey yeah?!
  3. thank you:wub2: celestee, thank you for your kind thoughts about me:tears: i'll just go and get a tissue and be back in a minute:tears:
  4. *chrisps up my socks and sasje's socks* here you are!! are they chripy enough?? i go back to college tomorrow remember, and i will be busy getting my marks up and be flat out working on that:sad: but i'll come in when i can:)
  5. i'm good thank you although it could be a while until i come back in here again:)
  6. lol, that' my brothers birthday! good girl my foot:roftl: *steals everyone's socks and takes ircazo to the kitchen*
  7. erm... well everyone has some... so let me steal them...!!!!!
  8. lol well i was gonna ask you know, if you wanna eat again:lmao: but then remembered not to!! celestee, i'm 16
  9. AARRRGGGGHHHH!!!! *runs and hugs* hello you! how are you doing today? and... no don't worry!
  10. yeah she's my mum...i'm your big sis:wink2:
  11. it's #3 again???? wow how many times has it moved from the top10 now?!
  12. our brother's called mika? (why?) hey sweetie:p
  13. biology, environmetal science, geography, ICT :S hey... *looks up* the ceiling???
  14. awwww, i have to go to college, we're even!!
  15. sorry:roftl: but you know i'm here for you ok maybe our brothers name????
  16. nope i hoped you did though:blink: *pulls out a box of tissues and pats you on back* i'm here for you, let it out my dear... you'll feel better:roftl:
  17. well that's not gonna go down too well huh?! see ya!
  18. awww thank you sweetie:) :blush-anim-cl: i love you too!
  19. *sighs* would be so nice to talk to you but if you keep running out before i can say hi there's not much point:boxed:
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