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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. thank you:) yeah, but isn't it still down to loooks that makes your head turn??
  2. did you know 'tis' means 'wee' in danish?
  3. hi:) sorry if threads like these have been posted but i couldn't find any like it. i was thinking, what do we like about mika? we all say he's hot and cute and everyone wants to be his girl etc, but lets take it back a few years when he was a nobody so to speak (sorry if you're reading) ok, so now we established his non existant fame and talent, imagine you're walking down a street and you see him. he's just another person you see down a street. nothing amazing about that right? you'd carry on the rest of your day forgetting the fact that you even saw him. how about when you and he talk. there's no boom going on between you, just a stranger you politely say hello to because that's what you do (i do i'm not sure if you're the same?) he starts talking about his collections and you think, yeah you're a complete freak. lets now bring it back to last year. he's just begining to get a name for himself and his band, but you're still unimpressed about it as it's still only early in his career (and in most band history's their early stuff isn't so good as the later). now back to today in this year. he's a huge success, quite famous, songs touching nerves, he's not high on drugs all the time, doesn't aim very high in charts (not that he doesn't aim high coz i'm sure he has hopes:)) and doesn't make a thing out of something like offensive comments like he's gay, he's cr*p i hate him. he does what we should do and ignore those comments and concentrate more on the good stuff. he's 'fresh faced' and bubbly, a little odd (like the rest of us) and has a way with words. now we all see him, we fancy him, want to be his bit on the side etc but we don't know anything about him. sure he tells us stuff but come on, lets face the truth here folks, we know nothing of his personal likes and dislikes. we know odd bits but not the whole picture. you see someone and if they make it in your, "he's hot" cateogray, you keep thinking he likes you back. freddie made a thread on what do you look for right? personality/ looks, most picked personality. yet we all seem to have a crush on him, not even knowing what he's like in person. just think about it. if it wasn't for the fame, he'd just be another nobody (really sorry!) that we wouldn't even half glance at. with love hunny xx
  4. love you too and freddie. whatever happens i miss sara too she'd know what to do:) bybye know!
  5. lol:) yeah i guess:) thanks freddie:wub2:
  6. too late. i know, it's out now i still want freddie i'm going now. bybye:)
  7. i'm not your average girl freddie:) i'm not even weird i'm beyond it!! crossed that line days after i was born!!! but hey, at least looking at people won't hurt!!
  8. brother, thingy and ... ok then officially a mutt:) freddie i want him with me now:)
  9. i'm really sorry it makes me laugh! yeahy for work!!! not:mad3:
  10. how can i forget!!!! you'll probably be one of the first!!
  11. safe is not an option fine leave me... i won't miss you (much:crybaby:)
  12. i mean *cough* of course your hair will grow:thumb_yello:
  13. i go back to college to make sure everything is good and get to see my form tutor again!!!!... nice bum!!
  14. hahahaha *drinks then pretends to lick 'paws'* hey haylie:p how are you today???
  15. woah, freaky! i thought of that name just as i saw this thread!!!
  16. *jumps in* meow! i'm bored with dog nosies!
  17. single and most probably will be for the rest of time. not that i find that a problem at all, i guess:blink:
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