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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. oh freddie *hugs* don't ever leave us, say you'll always be there, all i ever wanted was for you to know that we caaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeee
  2. queenie. i love you. lets get married. at least you won't leave me for fame:sneaky2: :sneaky2:
  3. no dinner no nothing *grumbles to self* *looks around for haylie*
  4. *stares at door and thinks in head* freddie come in...
  5. *walks in a little less bouncey this thime and just sits down* hi, i'm only here for litterally a few minutes
  6. awww sweetie i'm sorry sas *brings in diner* here ya are:) can you look after my star please? *hugging celestee* i need to be going now see you later:(
  7. celestee sweet heart! i didn't see you come in!
  8. awwww don't worry:p i'm here if you wanna talk:wink2: but she might have probs. and she can't say coz she can't come on and say!
  9. okey smokes:p *strokes croc, feeds then starts making diner singing to self*
  10. hehehe i'm straight female obvo but i had to press other!! i have a thing for the car shhhhhhhhhh:roftl:
  11. well good feeling gone can i take a croc to the kitchen, i'm still scared of the kitchen, you know:S
  12. why are you scared that i'm making diner:sneaky2:
  13. see you soon haylie:huglove: don't you dare take those stickers off!!! *helps sasje to bean bags* what's up?
  14. isn't it on sometime either tomorrow or friday, 11pm, ITV???
  15. oooh, i like both songs mentioned. erm... why must they be covered??
  16. erm... that didn't sound good:S haylie, where you gone??
  17. grrrrrrr why not??? you don't like being said fruit loop with me???
  18. *stops and look innocently over at you* what?? what'd i do???
  19. *pulls you to join in* come on haylie, we're fairyies!!!!! wooh!!
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