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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. :roftl: lol, i have always wanted to know that, but never asked!!! (you can call me hunny:)) as for freddie... well, we'll never know
  2. thought- why does my head hurt when i done nothing to hurt it???? other thought- why do parents make a thing of getting you to ask questions to complete strangers?? are they too scared to ask themselves?????
  3. do we really not have anything else to do:boxed:
  4. i haven't been on to see it that much and i haven't read proper in ages:blush-anim-cl: sorry
  5. i don't know whether to laugh or not!!! *laughs too hard so ribs hurt* how did you think those up??!!!
  6. we were running away from someone. then i woke up. random didn't come close when i was awake and working out what was going on.
  7. :blush-anim-cl: thank you ingie:) i thought i was a little too harsh, but that's how i feel
  8. (everything i say will probably already be said but too be honest i don't care) if you were to suddenly become a well known person, like celeb style and everyone that likes what you do etc was to suddenly know what you like, do, birthdays, where you live, what you do to relax and all that, would you like it? everyone that knows your name automatically believes that they are going to be your partner and live blissfully happy together for the rest of time and then when you do find someone, your fans suddenly don't like you, or threaten to commit suicide (don't laugh i've known people to do it with over people). would that not then mean, just to keep your fans happy, you would then live your own life unhappy and unsettled? and then you get people that slag you off and critise everything you do and what you say. what are you meant to do then? hit back or just take it in your stride? with no offence intended, we could be a little too protective of someone that we don't know in person. we post threads about people who critise him and take the mick, and yet we are the ones that take offence, if he doesn't have a problem with it, when then do we have one and find every oppotunity to hate the critisers?? we only see one side of him right? the happy person on the stage, tele, radio, whatever, and because of that, we seem to think that we know what he is like. but we don't really do we? one person may have many different sides to them. they only allow the side they want people to see, as it could be what they think people want to see, just because we have seen and maybe talked to him doesn't really mean that we know him. instead of trying to find out everything possible about him, i think we should back off a bit, let him own a private life, coz we all know what it's like with those annoying friends that want to know exactly what you are doing at exactly every part of the day. if he was to get a partner, we shouldn't get on the band wagon of hate and go on about how you'd be the right one for him, we should just be happy and support him and that special person in his life. i know it'll be hard, i'd be first to admit, but he lives his life as well right? we aren't the ones living it for him. i don't mean to drag every negative thing forwards like this but i do think that we can be a little unfair sometimes. just because he cancels a gig doesn't mean we should be stupid like it, but you know, if his ill wouldn't you prefer for him to get better and perform at his best than perform when his ill and be at a bad show, and know his suffering after it??? lets just ease of his case for a bit, let him have his space and do what he wants without us being a pain in the bum for him with love hunny xx
  9. my thoughts:- why??? does it matter???? and... why????? :roftl:
  10. clearly a muppet. i still stick to what i said no need for everyone to go climbing out their pants for goodness sakes:blink:
  11. lol! well... i wanted you to answer it!! lol i like the cup too i hate the tea:roftl: i have no grudes on kayne. jack was right, but why should it matter?? i mean, what he might hate could be something you love. visa versa. does that mean you'd change to be like him???
  12. i'm sure you all have fine features that other people would do anything to have. stop putting yourselves down
  13. lol, you like the cup??? or do you like the tea?! sorry, blonde moment:blush-anim-cl:
  14. exactly so saying someone is perfect is a not so right way of saying someone is a good person
  15. kayne wasn't going to be in my top zillion fav artists anyway. not loseing sleep over it. and not all music is everyone's cup of tea. some people don't even like tea some people might not even like the cup (i'm going now)
  16. would it matter if he did or not?? aren't we only here to support and listen to his music?? he has a right to his privacy so why don't we all just leave off a little:) (sorry if i have upset anyone, i am in a bad mood)
  17. voted:) yeahy! he seems to be up in most things now a days
  18. stephy dear, i don't think he's that perfect. he has his faults just as we have ours. we shouldn't treat him differently just because he's famous you know. i bet he likes being treated human. i'm by no means perfect in fact i'm far from it, my guess is, so is he
  19. *goes to have a look* oh wow!! that's quite good isn't it:)
  20. well it would be nice to know who was your santa right?! lol coz the stamp will say for example it comes from usa... how many people on this thread are from there and when you think you know who it is, send them an email to say thanks for the pressy and find out it isn't them... which i'll end up doing!! it could be a bit... funny!!! lol i get what you mean though, coz we used to do it at school
  21. oh pink that sounds like a fabby idea!! i really hope it works for everyone!!! obviously you write your name in the card/ present thingy right?? (as in your screen name?) lol it's deffo something completely different!!!!!!
  22. awww bless, i think he should release it here in england, we seem to get the kinda dance songs things in the charts big here... well done mate, let's hope you're #1 for some time!!
  23. honestly, everyone is damned talented... unlike me...
  24. sorry eir can't help... but my thoughts are, if you have a headache that feels like it's going to explode, is it possible for it to happen???? and if you are sitting in a house near a hot object (hot chocolate mug) and your fingers are cold, can you get frost bite????
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