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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. that's what i thought then i read the post again... (i'm a plank!) blaeh, done that too often awww, he's soo sweet makes me wanna hug him... not that i wana do that anyway thanks for the captions!!! xx
  2. i absolutely love the hiccup one, i always think of that when i get them i felt bad for laughing when he fell off the drumkit... hehehe love him really! xx
  3. happy that i got another tamagotchi, and 5 new CD's awful coz, well it's a weird story! x
  4. oooooh, note to self... don't change number... just. in. case... OMMZ!!!!!!! love that!! these are fantastic... especially the ones of the band!! xxx
  5. return to sender, address unknown no such person, no such zone... elvis xx
  6. at the quickest glance i took at this photo before re- looking at it, i swear it was a pic of him in the toilet and i thought:shocked: ommz!!! then i looked again and was like hehehe intelligant raccoon?! wtf?!!! xx
  7. (i have got into a bad habbit of falling asleep with my earphones in.) for some reason i was in a sheep field just watching all of them grazing when i got head butted by a little lamb who then starting singing to me. it sang 'am i the only only LAMB?' i didn't know if i could laugh coz i didn't want to hurt it's feelings, but i did... so then it sulked off a bit annoyed. then i could actually see mika's hair over the top of a huge hedge but i woke up before i could go and see what he was doing. xx
  8. YKYAMFW almost every online password is related to mika in some wapped way! (don't try hacking my accounts:mf_rosetinted:) xx
  9. woooah, iMMa's eyes are really creepy!!! xx oh... duh, it's make- up (i'm such a noob!!)
  10. i laughed a load and now everyone around me is wondering what the heck is wrong!! was a little creeped out by how big his mouth was!!! xx
  11. clown pics were dead scary!!! i love that pic!! are there any more uncle mika lessons... i stupid!!! these are all great!!! xxx
  12. your pics are funny... and i thought my pics made him look crazy?!! *secretly wishes mika steals and captions your picture of you* xx
  13. i gotta say, listening to radio 2, i giggle like a school kid when the presenters say 'wasn't that great? that was mika with his brand new single coming out in may. it's called 'we are young''(me- ) it took a while to realise that they can't say 'kick ass' on the radio coz it's swearing... but i love it when they play it... i'll carry on sending requests!! xx
  14. i feel like i'm gonna cry coz it hurts!!!! damn shoulders!!! damn knees!!!!!! xx
  15. not a problem, but if you want me to do one, just say :)


  16. sweet, been in the thread and added :)


  17. well in that case, no captions for 24 hours... you better take some good pics to caption when you get back to making them!!! hope you have a great time:) xx
  18. 'yeah see the problem is... you're shoulders are a bit wierd' me: 'erm, let me explain it another way... your brain doesn't know that your shoulder muscles exist and that is why you're in pain.' me: :shock: 'ok here's another way to describe it... 'body in space' is wher your body knows each muscle and uses them as they should be used ok?' me: yeah, ok... 'right, in your case, your body chooses not to use certain muscles, so now we have to train your brain and remind it that these muscles are still here and not off on perminant holiday, that ok for you?' me: xx
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