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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. lol it was GREAT!! i was just working it out then it changed!! at the end when he picked up the yellow things... (i thought he was gonna kill the shreif!) but that was a fab film!
  2. yeah! i was/ am the same too. but i watched secret window on monday with johnny depp init. soo i'm starting to read this steven king book. i'm still looking for the secret window book. because i have this thing that when i see it, the book is easier to read. that probably made no sence but yeah!
  3. ooooh, i still haven't got around to reading that yet! that's a good idea actually. breaks... do mean like sitting in front of the tele more often!! (don't feel bad, i do it too!)
  4. i'll keep it alive!!! see you soon purple grape:) love hunny xx
  5. animals in a hospital and his girl called mandy hope helps to make them better. their a good series:)
  6. oh i heard a lot about that book (a child called it) i'll go get it out when i finishes my steven king book:) did you ever read Animal Ark books??
  7. fabby, i freak at anything!!!lol you read anything good recently?
  8. lol, well i been thinking if we had a thread or not then remembered( with help in my siggie!) that we did!! i don't know. but yeah it has loads of stroies in it. i'm nearly finished the first story. lol
  9. reading a book now... steven king. i think it's something like nightmares and dreamscapes:) very good thought you should know!
  10. yeah it's a great book:) ok i have to be going now... i'm off for two weeks... happy reading sweetie:)
  11. oh fun!! poor you yeah it's amazing!!! it kinda shows people how close guys can be without being in love if you see what i mean... when you read it you'll understand:)
  12. oh, for school??? i'm reading the doctor who novels, not sure if you've heard of that programme?? oh and 'of mice and men'... love that book:)
  13. bookworm #2 at your beck and call sweetie:)
  14. i'm always a reject! try applying for a job in my situation... lol bullied, laughed at, ignored, laughed at some more, hated, laughed at...
  15. erm confession:- when feeling more than peeved off, i eat chocolate without ayone knowing, whine and annoy anyone who dares talk to me and feel like killing people!!
  16. haha, i thought this was great!!! but i can't save or show it:( thanks for sharing!
  17. i never get the chance to go see this... i just wanna thank everyone whose posted the pics here for us all to see... it might be the closest thing some of us can get to being there!!!! i can't believe how amazing fabbtabbatious they really are!!
  18. i have to go now!! *runs out with all hiden sugar so no-one not even father johnny and mother sparky can find* hahahahahaha, you'll never catch me alive!!!
  19. hmmm, *slips you some from a hiding place* you're not helping my case here by saying you don't turn normal sas... little help would be greatful
  20. have you forgotten the one thing you gave me??? *shows key for cupboard hiden away where no-one can find it* anyway, you only need me to come in the bar... and ta- da, sugar is avalible coz i have got a suply that erm... no-one knows about or will ever find *trying not to laugh* of course you need sugar... what's worse, a sugar overdose?? or becoming normal???
  21. yeah!! well come on you were looking ill... normal even... and i don't like being the person sitting by watching her become normal, for that's an even bigger sin than sugar right?? and by the way sasje, who calls me hunnyANGEL??? i'm hunny remember!!
  22. sign me sign me! anything to promote our home
  23. yeah, stupid obstical that one!!
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