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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. nope and i'll keep fighting for you!!! lol awww you're too sweet i'd like to go with you too!
  2. lol, why don't you think they'll be back... i really will annoy them until you can see them!!! lol or i could pee them off till they give you plane tickets to come here in england and we'll go together!!
  3. well i bet mika would do!! so... why wouldn't they! i mean they've been around for donkeys!! (no offense to them coz their still fabby!)
  4. and what would be wrong in saying that to them??!!! i think they might understand that!!
  5. course there's a next time... and they'll DEFFINATLY come to estonia... if they don't i will hunt them down and annoy the hell out of them till they come back so you can see
  6. awww that's a real same but there's always a next time!! chin up duck:naughty:
  7. that is an amazing pic there sweetie! how and where did you find it??? thanks so much guys for the songs:) oh has anyone actually gone to see them live??
  8. lol i know what you mean!! their all real good!!
  9. lol yeah, that has to be one of my favs of the moment!!!!!! wow crazy is a gorgous song! thank you sherry baby
  10. thanks you sssoooooo much *runs over to youtube*
  11. ok as far as i can see no- one has started a thread about aerosmith yet, if i have i'm really sorry i have recently discovered them and have decided that they are just amazing!! i have only heard a few songs at the moment and wondered if you guys could tell me some songs to really listen to... i mean yeah i know their probablly all very good, but what ones would you say to listen to thanks you guys i love you all hunny xx
  12. lol, unfortunatley i don't get on too well with watching sports i do like playing or attempting to play badminton and tennis... but i am so bad at hitting everything back to my partner thta we end up giving up with it!!!
  13. i don't really like F1... i just see it as a bunch of carzy men driving dangerously fast around a track more than once!! lol sorry why do you feel alone??
  14. lol and so will all his other fans!! how are they so stupid to do that!!
  15. awwww i agree how cute is that?
  16. YEAHY!! i love him!!!!!! what else am i able to say??
  17. Hunny's mum says "WHERE ARE MIKA'S AMAZING FANCY PANTS' ?????
  18. oh hot!! thanks for the posts loved them! hunny xx
  19. thoughts at the moment why are there terrorists?? why do i have a headache?? who has got their name in the Ginuess Book of Records for being bord the longest amount of time?? why am i sooooo random??!!
  20. hiya dandan, welcome to the site hunny xx
  21. hi and welcome to our home hunny xx
  22. hey and welcome here:) hunny xx
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