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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. welcome and enjoy!! hunny xx
  2. hunnyangel


    welcome and enjoy!! hunny xx
  3. welcome and enjoy!! hunny xx
  4. hey! welcome and enjoy!! hunny xx
  5. welcome!! enjoy yourself!! hunny xx
  6. hey i have some things for the book johnny!! 1. we must sing dance and be merry when listening to mika!!! 2. we must remain as crazy as possible any time during the day!!! 3. we must become hyper active when coming onto his fan site and website!!! lol if i think of any more you'll be the first to know!!!
  7. well i'm not really allowed to... you know (i'll change my avatar thingy!)
  8. lol!! well now you know how truely amazing he is!! your amazing!! your husband should be proud of you both!
  9. but you don't thinkit's a mistake to 'accidently' stumble apon him?! lol how long have you been swimming?
  10. if going by her looks, her parents must be stunning!!
  11. oh crina, she's GORGOUS!! she looks a right pearl!!
  12. lol!! i'm not really romianian, i'm an honourary member coz i'm fromengland but i do have some romianian in me!!
  13. aww that's sweet! are you romianian?
  14. well i'm not quite sure... it was in my dad's side... something like his great (X8?) grand dad married a romianian girl... and here i am today! lol i think it's something like that not sure though! i'm sure your girl is very beautiful, and it's quite right that you are pruod of her!!
  15. sorry i didn't reply! i had to go for lunch and then do something before i could come back! so, what's your little girl like?
  16. isn't that i little risky though?
  17. no unfortunatly but i'm going to turkey!! does anyone know if mika's going there?!
  18. wow! essex living mika loving crazy talking people!!!!! love it!
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