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Everything posted by hunnyangel

  1. yeah! is there anyone else from east anglia??
  2. hey!! welcome and enjoy!! hunny xx
  3. hunnyangel


    love the name!! welcome and enjoy!! hunny xx
  4. hey enjoy yourself!! hunny xx
  5. i'm from colchester... quite a while from you two but you know... at least it's closer to some people i have become friends with!!! lol maybe one day we should meet up some where...
  6. lol! sorry if it's taking time to reply, i'm talking to parrents and tring on new clothes and it's all a bit crazy!!!! that's good you're going to the beach, i'm going to turkey in july with the folks here for two weeks... it's annoying when you can't get much time with family coz of work, my dad's the same
  7. wow yuppymunch and thatradfreak (if either are spelt wrong sorry!) i didn't think there was aanyone on here from this area!! and now there's two at once!!!! the suffolk show is this week, wednesday and thursday i think...
  8. yeah lol!! it seem i may be the only person in the area though... but hey, i'll live, i can winde everyone up!! what will you be doing in the holidays?
  9. yuppymunch (i spelt that wrong i just know it, sorry!) you're from ipswich!!!!!!! how are you?? are you going to the suffolk show?? if you are i might see you somewhere...
  10. course i can understand!! i would soo love to be where you are now!! i'm in the south eastish area of england in a county essex (http://www.enjoyengland.com/searchresults.aspx?searchparam=colchester) i've wanted to be a marine biologist since i was 5/6 years old so to change paths now would be crazy! i have two dogs, fish and hamster, which is fun and when the exams are over, i am going to celebrate either with them or i'll go out and leave them to peace!! lol
  11. woah woah woah... you in the essex/ sufolk area hunny? i've been listening to the radio i never heard that mentioned...
  12. yeah, we were sharing a bed while watching telly (nothing went on though ) are you going on holiday soon?
  13. unfortunatley not i'm a 16 year old girl who lives in england with my mum, dad and brother. i've finally finished school and sitting GCSE exams that are not only hard and time consuming but boring!! lol, i'd like to be a marine biologist when i'm older and want to live in a hotter country than england coz right now i'm freezing!! when i first heard mika on the radio i was like, this is really random and weird so i spose that's why i fell in love coz i'm a bit of both and really crazy!! i like queen too i like most of their songs.
  14. yeah is it raining where you are??
  15. i don't actually know what i'm having for dinner!! lol do you like hot chocolate?
  16. ok, well you post when you're back coz i'll probably still be here!
  17. lol sorry!! so what do you want to talk about??
  18. lol! this will be so fun!! maybe put the list in your first post of the thread so people can see more clearly!! lol thank you!
  19. no, it died will you ever grow up to be mature?? (i know i never will!!)
  20. ok, could i be an honourary member? i have romianian in my blood line somewhere in the family...!!!!! lol
  21. yes. staying right here and talking to you guys!!! lol should you be doing something right now?
  22. no are you wearing a bracelet?
  23. maybe a little late in the thread to join but that's me...! ok so while talking to the family i am so mutt mika is a pure breed!! i've got... english irsh scottish welsh romainian scandinavian angalo saxon and... itallien and that was only looking at half of the family...
  24. lucky you!! enjoy yourself on the site!! hunny xx
  25. have you come to the riht place or what!! enjoy yourself!! hunny xx
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