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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. Really? this is my fave one I adore it, I think it would make a great Christmas song (visualizes vid) 1.Heroes 2.The origin of Love 3.Only Love You When I'm Drunk 4.Step With Me 5.Tah Dah (mostly the lyrics) Where can you go divide the earth or (we fight the earth)? we never learn And through it all The hero falls maybe
  2. Oh I dunno, what if you fall from a height...off a wall or something, you could easily land on your feet, or if you fall into a lake/sea/river, and you can breathe underwater, you could sort of genlty land on your feet on the bottom of the sea/lake/riverbed, it's all just a visual he's placing in my mind & I'm rather liking it
  3. Oh yes LADY would be a divine name for her and HE can be her tramp
  4. Oo I see quite a few of hte suggestions I tweeted to him are on the list lol, I was rahther tickled by lollipup (not one of MY suggestions but I think it's cute n fun). Iv'e thought of more: Heidi Bonnie Jazz (after MY gorgeous late German shepheard) Sparkle (mwahaha well it's a very desirable name) Ruby Queenie Poppet Nina biscuit bobby Cindi and just for fun Ninja Jammy-dodger hogthedog jogthedog nobthedog:roftl: But I think he will call her DOLLY (after Dolly Parton)
  5. Happy 21st Birthday lovley daughter (hope you have time to log in and see this xxx)







  6. CL who else, all those elaborate expensive gifts, we KNOW why now
  7. sweet that was the day I had holes in my fingers from sewing all that flaming velcro onto Roses costume, took ages (ouch)! I have some pix too if you want me to send you them, (is it just kinda MFCers yoru wanting pix of btw or the gig itself?)
  8. yes I do I will post it tomorrow since its now 3.30 am and I am a fool for not going to sleep sooner and now I am as tired as a triedy thing

  9. This made my eyes fill up again, I really felt for you when we found out what had happend Laurel, I can only begin to imagine how you must have been feeling stranded in a different country, unable to just down tools and go, it wasnt as easy as that, if you had left you would have had no where to go your stuff was at Monies. Under the circumstances I think you did the right thing by staying cos at least you were still with friends who wanted to make sure you were not going to be alone. I felt sad during the gig too whenever Mika sang the melancholy songs etc. I just wanted to hug you but.... it wasnt possible during the gig and well, I dont think any amount of hugs could have eased your pain at that point, ( tho Mika did try later on, his face when he was told..... genuine concern from a sweet guy). I know in time you will not feel so bad, but just let yourself feel what comes naturally. xxx
  10. How apt I didnt like my costume, so I didnt put it on till very late and tried to hide from pix etc, it was a bit uncomfortable lol. And that is why he wanted you sooooo bad, guess he aint into easy girls lol. (think I feel faint again), that is one mighty fine pic of one mighty fine fella. it was an awesome costume, what where the leaves made out of?
  11. yes that IS a really good way to put into words how it makes me feel, it was like this one in Amsterdam too, his voice just makes me melt, esp the notes at the begining. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsKIs-h0qtQ and Yes I LOOOVE that cute part in this, I LOOOOVE him (fangurly outburst sorry) and this is one I choose too since I found his performance here sooo moving, he expressed through his performance the feelings and meanings I get from this song perfectly...love it.
  12. Anyway my late review, had the best time ever with a really really GREAT bunch of people some rockin' new friends to hang with too yeey, they made the hours fly past so fast. we Q-ed from about 9am I think and I was number 30 so when we sorted out the MFC Q later on it was a nice relief to get out of the rain for a while without the worry of loosing your place cos we were told we could ALL come back at a certain time so go do your own thing since we all knew where we were in the Q by now (good idea that). I spent a fair bit of time getting holes in my fingers sewing Roses costume ( ouch), I didnt put mine on till very late cos I didnt want to sit in it on the floor. (I didnt like it anyway) The Q-ing ran soooo smoothly thanks to Freddie and Ingie (oh and John too). I thought I might get stopped and searched forever by security cos I had 3 bags but it all went fine. I got in and couldnt find anyone I was running up and down at the front trying to find ppl I knew to stand with cos I didnt want to be front row but with no mates nearby, so I found Freddie but by then there was no front row near him so I was 2nd row... thats great (unless your behind some mad ginger guy 6ft tall with a 3ft hat on lol) I didnt mind though I managed to dodge him now n then and got a few good pics. It was great to see him having the time of his life and belive me HE DID lol. Unfortunately I started to feel a bit ill during the gig so by the last 3 or 4 songs I was flagging so much I thought I might have to leave cos I felt faint (that has NEVER happend to me at a gig before), so when Freddie got hand picked by MIKA to go up on stage with him and then Ingie too I was pleased for them sooo much (and I could steal their space and flop over the barrier for a little support) lol. I missed parts of the gig by feeling poorly etc but the parts I DID see I enjoyed as you can imagine, I loved it all, though not 100% certain about the shooting all the band tho IMMA sliding down the floor is rather hilarious, oh and Martin trying to sneak off too. song wise OMS made me shed a tear again.... his voice seemed different and very intense and powerful espcially at the start; I love him (did I say that out loud oops). I spent a lot of time looking at the props and stage setting etc and trying to take in all what was going on since it was the first time I had seen this particular version of the show. Was going to Q for a pretty prog after the gig but still felt ill and hot and just couldnt face it. Was still feeling like this for the M&G and really wanted to go home but obv had to wait for everyone else and his lordship to show his face was right next to Jimmy when he got his book, tried to stay out of the pics he was having with ppl, he was really chuffed with his gift awwww. Mika came out and the crowd was well behaved though quite large. when he got to me I had been asked to record Caroline giving him her Mika doll, so he looked up at me holding the brolly and I felt awkward and just told him I was just recording for Caroline lol so he moved on. I did keep noticing how divine he looked, smart/casual obv going out with ppl afterwards. I was glad when it was all over and thats a first (hope it doesnt happen again either, this giging at my age is just not a good idea pfft). Shame we couldnt find a taxi for what seemed forever, walking streets of Amsterdam in the rain,tired,and lost (and in florecent pink tights).....lots of cars kept slowing down, surely you dont get ladys of the night who are MY age fgs! Anyway we got on a main road and in 2 mins a bus came that went to Central rail station so we got that Phew!
  13. I never noticed the details on the planets as good before, you can see it better from a distance obv Welcome and super review made me laugh. hahaha more than likely if he was at the other side of town that is red ;p "shopping" .....I see, in AMSTERDAM eh yes yes I see, I wonder what part of Amsterdam he went shoping in that apparently made him late for his gig and run out of money hmmmm.
  14. LIAR!!!!! (who do you think you are....MIKA? it took me AGES to get to sleep from YOUR snoring I had to put on my mp3 player with Paul Mkenna boring my to sleep with his hypnosis to drown you out I officially <3 you two, his voice on this gave me goosebumps and brought a tear to my eye (again) but his voice sounded different esp at the start. *faints* you look fab and it was fab to hang out with you all, we had so much fun with the flirty waiter lol. YESSS YESSS YESSS I agreed also LOVE this pic, he looks sooo stylish, relaxed and happy (ready for a night on the town no doubt lol) I also LOVE the jewels on the girls face on the pic and thought that every time I saw her during the day. I have a Panasonic Tz6 that I need to learn how to use, jsut got it last week. YOUR pix are awesome. WOAH your right!! lol.
  15. yeeey fab, I sent a message already to Becky blue eyes about the buttons :) when are you giving the jacket and messages to him?

  16. me too, got it from sandbags, price on ticket €39.00 + service charges €3.90 subtotal= €42.90 P&P = €6.20 final total €53.40!!! cant they add up or summit, it's already expensive enough for that flaming ticket compared to all my other ones, pfft. your gonna be same as me, but I bet we have diff ideas on our costumes. I havent really started mine, I cant decide wether to be all pink or pink and black, I'm just knocking it tog with bits n bobs I find lying around lol. (I'm older so I can be your mother lol).
  17. oh goody and this Pink flamingo will bop and "sing":blink: during the gig too (she's quite well trained lol) er...NO I think not I aint showing my underkeggs for anyone!! *thinks*...hmmmm depends exactly what you mean by this question ;P THERES A GIG? well... I always feel the cold so I might do the one leg under my ass thing, if you see me doing it you will know why lol. what gig people keep talking about a gig, have I missed something I expect him to video it and put it up on youtube and say its the video to his next single
  18. yes thank you once again Mrs.P for all the hard work and for acctually raising Mika in the 1st place I was sooo pleased SILVER did acctually get some of us together and raided our purses:naughty: lol for some pennies to get Mrs P and Yasmine some flowers at Bristol, they seemed really chuffed to get them, it felt good to let them know we appreciate them also.
  19. well thats a relief, but they DO stand on one leg a lot I have no idea why maybe I ought to google this I have to "reserch" my character analysis and sto0fs oh good I would'nt want to be a OFF (one foot flamingo)
  20. sounds like Jazzy had a total blast cant WAIT to hear it all (oh I soo should have gone, sod work, and responsability PAH!! it would ahve been worth getting the sack..maybe not
  21. oh poop upon poop I dont think I can spend a whole gig on one leg no idea what else I do in alice since i aint read the book in years or seen the new film yet YES it would be really funny if we all wore our face and names on a t shirt to a gig, at least he would know who we were.
  22. my thoughts too lol think I might get t.shirt with a huge MY face on it, do you think ppl might think I was famous or just big-headed lol OH! I just realized we got :naughty:back and not the irritaiting flashing one YEEEY good times.
  23. I did say I was gonna try to be a pink flamingo didnt I? (as long as I can get a costume sorted lol).
  24. ooo need to keep up, whats going on here I want to join in so whats the score fill me up to speed guys lol. PS I have finally booked a Room only Jazzy knows how long its taken me hahaha
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