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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. thank you and it did upset me, especially the part about Big Girl being patronizing to fat women, he just can't know the real reasons for any of Mika's songs, pffft he is a waste of space.
  2. have you actually read his whole review? it's on another page I think. It felt like he was just slagging him off with no proof at all to me.
  3. I feel so sorry for you guys, I only got MY donny tickets yesterday while I was on my way back from Manchester, but I ordered mine from Ticketmaster. I rang them up last week and gave them what for on the phone and she said they had had problems with the printing or promoters or something, and that if they hadn't arrived by Wednesday to give them another ring. But they arrived yesterday. My tickets have SJC promotions or something like that on them and I got a receipt from ticket master too, so I hope you all get sorted otherwise THE MFC TROOPS will have to just storm the building. We are a force to be reckoned with, we have seen off many an enemy so DON'T panic ppl I am sure it will get sorted.
  4. well for those of you who don't know some jumped up *rse of a journalist wrote the nastiest pile of cr*p in his newspaper I have ever read, I was soooo infuriated i sent 2 really OTT comments that just ripped him to shreds, (he didn't post those as I knew he wouldnt) so I posted a calmer one the next day under the name of FURIOUS, some other people have also posted in favour of Mika's 2 Manchester gigs and I think the rest of the MFC should just go and blast his pathetic page to bits, he MAY get the message that he shouldn't be allowed to open his ugly gob and let verbal diahrea spill out when I don't even think he went to the gigs he just has Issues if you ask me and is spouting off his own tastes in music and people and I don't think that is a good thing to do. There are some much more articulate replies, than what I sent but I was totally livid, So here is the link to the page, if you want to have your say in a more constructive way than I did. MIKA'S TROOPS ARE BIGGER THAN HIS http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/entertainment/music/live_reviews/c/1025069_mika__apollo
  5. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, here is mine I used it last time too is it okay (its my av over there) no I lied I changed it so here it is below
  6. YES YES YES hey guys I got MY tickets yesterday, there was a letter for me to pick up up at the post office cos I was on my way back from MANCHESTER but I got mine form ticket master they say SJM concerts on the tickets themselves though. Now I need to get my finger out to make my costume or I will be there in only wings and that cud be very cold lol and I don't want to put ppl off their lunch. :naughty: PS I did ring them last week and had a major winge attack at them, maybe that is why I got mine or maybe it's cos I went through ticket master.
  7. He hasn't dared post MY 2 comments cos I went ape-sh*t lol I was sooo infuriated, I just left another comment but calmed it down a little, still gave him what for and said he must have issues of his own to have to slate such a talented, visually stunning, kind, intelligent, articulate person like Mika ...aaargh I am still mad at this lump of lard.
  8. I got my Donny tickets yesterday when I got back from Manchester, I am soo pleased the Q will be inside cos rumour has it the weather this weekend is gonna be quite bad, (wont get to see him arrive though unless he flounces in right in front of us) lol. Is this curfew for ALL gigs or just the Manchester one? And the security were really uppity on Monday in Manchester when we were there (we too were at the front slightly right of centre resting on barriers) I have written a rough draft of my review for that gig but not sure where to post it. ps. Mika was also nice my daughter Vix he did her one of his cute sigs with a heart and wings (I just got his name lol), and she asked him for a piccy with him "PLEEEEEAAASE" and he looked and made a funny face as if he didn't really want to but then said "dooooooh go on then" lol bless him what an angel he is.
  9. me too and I saw a pic of my sig in there too, great job fingers crossed it works cos he loves us billions well ok maybe just a few quids worth lol. and well done Wendi ...mission accomplished
  10. yeah I'll say, I posted 2 very angry replies to that guy and they will never get posted cos I was livid lol.
  11. then he will truly love this video http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=BC259y0E1e8
  12. me too and i am so angry I dont think I will be able to do it in an adult and civilized way, I mean this guy has to be a total freak (in a bad way), he sounds like a total jumped up self obsessed twat. sorry I am soo furious with this ape, I sent 2 comments but I think they will BOTH never see the light of day. I swear if I were to meet this guy now I would slap his face sooo hard!!
  13. they just emailed her back saying she got in touch in time so not to worry, they will give her details to the UK branch for her tickets, but it didn't clear up the mix up on the dates or mix up of the venues or anything, and I will have to try to arrange train travel and a room that is gonna cost a packet, it also didn't say if she gets to dance with him on stage like the original comp said would happened before they changed it at the last min. so we await more news, as we arn't much the wiser yet, it SOUNDS like she has won something probs tickets to A gig we just dunno which one or what date or if it's still to dance with him or not. god how bloody stressful is this and after such a fantastic nite at Manchester last night too.
  14. Or maybe even his cameraman but tbh I don't hold out any hope cos I don't know who is going tonight or their mobile numbers or anything. (thanks for the suggestion anyway little pengu) PS Sarah, this comp is as bad as the myspace one if you read my last post above about all the mixed up dates etc. also the time zone will be different so if they wanted to get in contact with vix then I think its not 5pm in usa yet so if they are working off that then there is still time. (If they think of that of course), but they aint got back to us yet :tears:
  15. We know it's a long shot cos ppl will already be in the queue etc, but if anyone has any contact with anyone who is going tonight to maybe by some miracle get a message to him about it, we would be eternally grateful. Here is the email the sent us last night when we were actually in Manchester at one of his gigs (awesome as it was). Now the dilemma is, firstly in the bebo comp, the date for this prize was dec 3rd at Hammersmith, which was fine, now in the email it says it's 22nd THIS Thursday at London (when in fact he is in Birmingham that date), confused......you will be..... and to top that, Vix is going to London tomorrow anyway cos on THURSDAY, she has a performing arts uni audition for Mount View in London, but would be able to make the gig, we would just have to re-arrange our schedule and fork out a packet for extra train fares and rooms etc. this is indeed very very very stressful, we are totally confused. We emailed them as soon as we opend the email after getting back from Manchester, but it says it's only a 9-5 contact number thing....AAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! HELP!!!!!
  16. woo hoo the pics are great (though I thought someone said no camera's were allowed in the gig, obviously meant for everyone else who ISN'T a member of MFC but forgot to mention that bit can't wait for Manchester tomorrow and I am preparing myself for torrential rain lol (got my big yellow plastic poncho)
  17. Have you decided when your gonna give him it yet or are you just gonna play it by ear? ps. See you in Donny (are you goning to Manchester too?)
  18. Oh mai...Holy Johnny (was it OUR Holy Johnny) that got up on stage with Mika? or some random guy we don't know, nah 2nd thoughts if it was OUR Holy Johnny we surely would have known about it sooner lol. OMG OMG OMG MANCHESTER TOMORROW!!!!! oops, sorry no more chatting just ........ BUMPING
  19. Well after freezing my nuts off in summer at Somerset House, I am gonna go for comfort over fashion because my body shook so much waiting all those hours before an after the gig that it ached like crazy for hours, (it had got to the point where I had to stop myself saying "I don't think I can wait here any longer this is agony" and then we had to walk what seemed like miles back to our "Grace Kelly" suite at the backpackers palace (er I mean hostel). So that means making myself look like a prat then so be it, I am opting for a kinda teddy bear look (think bits of nice warm fur) under a huge plastic poncho and furry flat boots. (course I will have to whip half of it off in the gig as it will be roasting in there), so I am gonna need a huge bag to put it all in, hmmmm this giging malarki takes so much planning and effort pffft, it's a good job he is worth it.
  20. the new ringtone.....is this an even BETTER giggle of his, if so upload asap I need it badly lol.
  21. New songs!!! NO camera's I have Manchester on Monday how the hell am I supposed to learn the words if can't hear the song, it just WONT do will it to NOT know every word to every one of his songs....pfft MIKA this just isn't cricket old bean.
  22. I don't have one of those but I do have a rather fetching and extremely fashionable (if you at Disneyland Florida that is) a canary yellow plastic poncho with Mickey Mouse on the back, I think that will do nicely
  23. o0o0o0o0o0o0oooooo000000o0o00o0oooo00 the excitement, this will be me too in 2 days time arrrrrgh, I bet it it is also cold and raining in Manchester cos it ALWAYS rains in Manchester, am I supposed to take a huge brolly and backpack then have to carry it in the gig? it was cold enough after SH while we waited a coupla hours for him after the gig, but in NOVEMBER (I hate the cold, maybe I'll buy lots of hand warmers)
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