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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. shhhhhh!!!! ZIPIT I am trying to avoid all talk and video snippets of the DVD until I get it for Christmas, (willpower is easy when you have only planted the seed in your offspring's mind about Christmas gifts) if no one gets me it then war :gun_bandana::starwars: will be declared at our house.
  2. I actually think it's a great idea to bring out the DVD of his 1st phenomenal year of success as it has snowballed in such a short time, and as the man himself would say....WHY NOT! It will be great for himself and us to look back at his first year and think WOW wasn't that an amazingly awesome year. It will be like looking at old photographs only with all the atmosphere of his live gigs, so I think he did the right thing, I'm happy about it and I have deliberately not seen it yet cos I am saving him for Christmas day to fill me with joy.
  3. here here I say there my good fellow, I couldn't agree more, the lack of humour , well somebody is just talking verbal diarrhea and I will give em what for cos his shows ooze humour fgs, let me at em let me at em!:mad3:I I reckon they musta been "on" summit:rasta:don't you?
  4. please don't eat your fake wings, you might choke and then you will miss your Mika fixes and of course the MFC and thank you for the support your all true mika-angels
  5. it's it marvellous how Mika has colourized our monochrome lives, well he did for me anyway everything is always in cartoon motion nowadays and I love it, he has invented a new "feeling" in the world
  6. oh wow yea I get excited when I see and hear ANYTHING Mika related on Tv, in fact I have started to get annoyed at that school programme Waterloo Road cos there is a girl in it called Mica and every time someone mentions her name I look up and go DOH!! I don't see why they can't give you a set of tickets if you win cos you bought your others so they haven't already given you any and you could just as easily sell them or give them as presents to some extremely deserving friends or relatives lol. So don't give up yet, it's not over till the "big girl" sings lol (ps real sweet of you to give my vixter a mention chuck).
  7. I agree with you it does seem a bit weird that they had to drop the dancing part of the comp, I wonder if who ever organized it hadn't okayed it with Mika or his ppl and they refused or something, cos he didn't seem to know anything about his myspace dress up competition in Leeds so I felt a right prat (but some ppl loved my big silly hat lol). Maybe it was too short notice again for people or something, though that has never stopped them in the past. I dont think I have the guts to dress up in Manchester cos we have to make our way to the gig and that is about a 10 min walk from our Hotel and if I cant hide inside a big crowd of dressed up MFCers then I aint brave enough.(Vix is though she is still going as a bumble bee lol). One good thing is if by some miracle she won then we could go to the gig and my son lives near Hammersmith so we cud crash at his flat lol. But because they said winners will be picked from those who entered Oh well time will tell, what will be will be wont it. well as far as I can tell no one has posted a video properly have they? cos you can't do it and we have both mentioned it to him and I even sent Island Records a msge as it was organized via them I think.
  8. I'm already going to Manchester but on the 19th, got my hotel booked and trains etc already and I don't think Vix or I could get another day off work. But good luck to anyone else who enters.
  9. wonder if it's still Stars that run his myspace and bebo then, could be as I'm getting a little de ja vu from last time and that was really dodgy looking back on the nights we all went mental to see if we had won lol.
  10. oh yeah, well he is gonna have NO entries if he doesn't sort it out so he will just not have to be so picky with anyone who even TRIES to enter it that's what I say.
  11. No it's not, they asked for dancing to his songs and that is what you have provided, and at this rate no one is gonna win cos we cant bloody upload them grrrr!!! lol
  12. now now it doesn't say anywhere that it has to be a brand new video, and there would be little point in re- doing it the same just for the hell of it when she doesn't have any spare time just now. and anyway they messed up the Leeds gig dates on the myspace comp she WON so it ended up clashing with her uni auditions so she lost out that time by not only not meeting him but she couldn't even pick up her prize of seeing him in concert, so I'm hoping this time she will get luckier, who knows but it's worth a try. ps. he might have many winners for each gig like the mysapce one, (I hope so).
  13. yeah sucks like sucking a big lollipop
  14. I emailed them last night asking them for advice, they got back to me today and I had to email them again today (they asked me exactly who's profile I was referring to) so now I wait for their reply, I am hoping for them to do this this weekend, I'll post their reply on here as I can folks. I too have been able to upload my daughters video to her profile but that is about as far as I got too. I wanted her to make couple more vids too as I had some funny ideas but she is just very busy at the minute with shows and audition, (I have to drive her home early for a show after the Doncaster gig *groans* I wanted to get plastered lol.
  15. no one's gonna bloody win if we can't find out how to upload them onto bebo, maybe it's a joke like myspace arrrrgh de ja vu (they owe my daughter a gig after she won the myspace one too but was unable to go cos they messed up the Leeds dates so she had uni auditions the same day.
  16. yes she is a budding performer and is trying to get into a performing arts uni thing in London, in fact she just had yet another audition today in London at Itialia Conti, she says it was the nicest place so far, she didn't feel like she was in a cattle market like all the others. It's 40 quid every time you audition for these places, not to mention the train fares at 80 quid a time and hotels etc, she has applied to about 8 places and they all have her coming down at diff times so she has been to London twice this week, and this is the only one so far who has treat her like a person and not a piece of cow muck. But yeah she has been performing on stages since she was about 3-4 and totally adores it, she is great at English's but we cant talk her into going down that route, and I guess she has to at least try to live her dream or else she will forever wonder what if.
  17. Hmmm how silly, how are ppl supposed to upload video's
  18. I rang ticket master today about not receiving my tickets yet, they kept me on hold for about 10 mins, I was not amused, they reckon they are not back from printing or some crap yet, (how come all the other venues seem to manage ok), anyway I got a bit snotty at being kept on hold for so long when she told me I may have to ring again on Wednesday if they have not arrived yet pfft useless morons *mutter mutter mumble grumble*
  19. You can tell the poor boy is some kind of starving boy with maybe an ED because a nice lady shared some marshmallows with him once and he immediately stuffed them all into his mouth before she could have any and his manners were appalling as he started to talk with a mouth full of them. He sure does have some issues though cos he then spat them all out onto his hands then wiped his hands on the clothes hanging up behind him. *shakes head* what are we going to do with him.
  20. WAHOo0o0o0o0o0o0 sorry got a bit excited just then, after all this is a flaming arrrrgh great fab wonderful etc etc ahhhh wahooooo song (can you tell I love it)
  21. have u got the link to the page please? I'm rubbish at finding pages on sites.
  22. Is no one going in costume :crybaby:I guess if not then I wont bother trying to rush making myself one (tho I'm gonna force my daughter to still go as a bumble bee ha ha, well she is 18 she can carry it off)
  23. :blink:I give up, he wants to be called Mika so that's what I shall call him. In the video clip he says his FATHER wanted to name him after him but his MOTHER said "over my dead body" as she isnt into the whole junior thing, so...if this interview is to be believed then he is called MiCa but he changed it to MiKa cos of the mispronunciation, and he seems to want to be known as MiKa so be it, I like that best anyway
  24. This time next week and it will be well over for me cos I am going on Monday 19th (look our for my bumble bee daughter lol) Is anyone booked up at the Manchester ancoats hotel at all?
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