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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I really think he should be banned for causing indecent thoughts in middlings myself, (I find his whole arms rather fetching myself)
  2. at 1st I thought Beaver but then realised he isnt small round and fat so I went for an Irish Water Spaniel
  3. its a sin, a fix, a sham, he should have won everything cos he is Mika and so there.
  4. Oh thanks vix that was great to see though why Avril Lasagne won I have no idea
  5. lmao lets all just go do it ourselves in case he is with MIKA and not got round to it yet anyone got a nasty pic of her with say a bull ring through her nose or summit?
  6. Sh*t Avril Again I hate her more now grrrrr!! they just dont get him do they, well I am gonna stop watching now cos they are all poo heads!!!!!
  7. never heard of them and why is there so much crap rap it makes my ears bleed it all sounds the bloody same, some dude talking fast with a slight beat in the background,
  8. Holy cr*p have I missed it all I can't even find the chanel its on, I only have freeview channels so I cant find it
  9. He didn't get on with many students cos they argue till the wee hours about the sky being green and the grass blue, lmao he must have preferred the more peaceful life Yes I wouldn't dream of walking the places I used to alone nowadays, the world seems much more unsafe to me.
  10. I have to get a screen shot of him in the white top when he looks so so innocent bless his cotton socks lol ( I tried to record it on my camera but it only takes 20 seconds at a time the stupid thing (wonder if I can change the setting s it can take longer ones, or I will have to buy a new camera pffft)
  11. aha just got Mika mail reminding me
  12. http://http://www.mtv.co.uk/overdrive/latest/id/67955 this is all I could find, its about GK etc what time and channel is it on tv tonight??
  13. Even if he was really crap at it I would still be in awe and adore him teh teeniest bit more (cos its hard to do that ) just for the fact that he tries so hard to speak other languages when he can, he knows it pleases his fans and I think they all respect him for at least trying, I really wish I had tried to learn at least ONE other language way back when I was at school, but it wasn't important way back in the 1800's
  14. :naughty: ha ha I bet he has one telling him what and how to say stuff in his earpiece at every gig, glad you had a great time VS
  15. The first time I went to Salford with my hubby/then boyfriend we went to a club thing and the girl sat next to me jumped up smashed her beer glass on the wall behind me and took the biggest part into the gents for her boyfriend to glass the guy he was fighting with, with I was in shock. Another time he took me to a different pub, same set of people but a fight broke out with some "Perry" boys (I had never heard of them before this) and it was like out of a western film, I was stood up shocked looking at the glasses, chairs and tables flying across the room, my hubby/boyfriend pulled me down out of the way and then the pregnant woman next to me got hit in the face with a beer glass and had to go to hospital. Yes Salford is an interesting place, (though to be fair the 2nd thing happened in another part of Manchester but I can't remember where it was 23 years ago lol, maybe it was Moston or something). My hubby sure knows some lovely places to take a gal eh :naughty:
  16. im saying NOWT!!! but I did live in Salford for a year and my hubby was uni in Salford when I met him and knew some "interesting" people, I had my eyes opened a bit while I was there shall we say no more.
  17. aww what a sweet write up, can't wait for my dose of Mikaness in November (I so need it after last night), I was at a Meatloaf gig in Newcastle arena and half way through he walked off stage saying he cant do this any longer. He also said earlier on that "this is probably the last f*ing show I will ever do" and seemed unfit or unhealthy, I have never seen him live before and was really looking forward to it too, so it was all rather disappointing. they say he had a sore throat/larynx infection, but he certainly seemed far from his best.
  18. I dont want to keep changing outfits in the vain hope he recognises me haha (I live in hope), mind you I'm not going as a nun again I'm just gonna go xmassy to the gigs as it's near to xmas but not the Manchester one cos I don't fancy walking through the centre dressed like a fruitcake.
  19. aww I can imagine how excited you must have felt, I'm glad you went crazy with it and it made your night...obviously, (there are days when good dose of Mika lifts you out of the everyday doldrums, I could do with my daily dose too lol).
  20. I REALLY don't like his hoodie look cos I love his wild and curly locks, but I quite like the not skin tight jeans look, he looks casual and relaxed in the clothes, and he suits almost anything (apart from hoodies but I just don't like them with the hood up, they are ok with it down tho). I like to see pics of him just sorta chilling and wandering about, and I think he had some CHICKEN in his teeth on the other pic lol, I just think if Mika wandered about in a huge green crocodile suit and shovelled marshmallows in his mouth then talked with his mouth full of them we would still find him damned attractive sexy and wonderful (apart from the hoodie up look ).
  21. yes good luck to all of us but mostly me cos I feel selfish and greedy :naughty: but particularly honest
  22. yep me too and I'll use this fantabulous page some fabtabulous person made and I have found it very useful (bookmarked it aaaages ago lol). http://http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=586793&postcount=60
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