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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. are you sure this is for real? I can't find anything about it on their website unless I am looking in the wrong place
  2. oh go on then sara I'll come I don't like to see you go all that way on your own :naughty: (anyway everyone sys your a great laugh so even if we miss Mika we could still have blast haha
  3. gosh this threads rather serious innit lol. Well I'm one of those who lurk a lot and read loads but don't post as many times as I read, sometimes I read a thread from start to finish and that is hard work lol. I tend to stick to the same threads but will venture into unknown territory from time to time if I'm feeling nosey and I often am. I also tend to like funnier threads so I would hang around the picture captions or the Confessional Booth (oh where did that go it was such a laugh), I'm sure some people found it offensive due to its religious theme but we just saw it as a bit of fun. I also liked Violets Mika cant loggin thread with her fab room, and a few others, so I guess I just come on for a bit of a laugh most of the time as it cheers me up and helps me to chill, I try to find humour in everything cos life is miserable enough as it is at times to get too serious on here too. I was only ever once made to feel I had done something wrong once by starting a new thread a few weeks after I first joined and I apologized as I didn't know the rules or how the forum worked and found navigation of it hard to get used to. (I think I have only started 1 or 2 since that and try not to start them now). I wish I could read everything on the forum but it far too big and gets bigger by the day, so I have to limit my self, that is the problem with most of us I think and that is why we end up sticking to our fave threads, I don't see a problem with this, we cant be everywhere all of the time and we cant know each of the 7300 or w/e members on a very personal basis anyway so we make a few friends on threads that interest us, I think this is what happens in real life too, so I'm ok with that. So I agree with the quote below, (I also have a terrible memory for names and things and can never remember who said what and where I saw it makes life a pain in the butt lol.
  4. yes I think when he does and says NORMAL things it humanises him more and makes him seem more real and likeable. Myself being an olding, I like to look at MIka as physically I find him extremely attractive (he is defo the type i go for in that department), but I am realistic and would not entertain the idea of him feeling the same for an ugly old biddy lol. I find his personality (what he shows us that is) is very attractive too, he seems so huggable and sweet. His music is moving and I love arty types who can make me "feel" with their lyrics and music. (My hubby is the total opposite of what I like in a bloke ) but he has other qualities I would hate to have to go without, and i would NEVER be unfaithful to him because loyalty is too important in our relationship, we always said to each other it would be the end of us if one of us strayed, no it's or buts, it would be the end, and this "rule" has kept us right for 27 years, so it seems to be working. He doesn't mind my Mika obsession (maybe he would do if Mika was nearer my age lol), but he knows I don't stand a cat in hells chance.
  5. Words of total wisdom here, (I have no idea of your age) but if people would only take this on board in NORMAL EVERYDAY relationships, and realize the reality of true love being imperfect a lot of the time (after all only a perfect person should expect perfection, and I don't know any perfect people), then a lot of people could save themselves the agony of divorce and broken hearts by expecting the romance to stay without every really working hard to keep it alive in the 1st place, REAL relationships and REAL love takes more hard work than anything else we do if we want them to last as long as WE do.
  6. Please get your granny to join MFC so I don't have to be one of the oldest lol.
  7. woooah! I'm 47 I like Mika, my daughter likes Mika my husband only likes Grace Kelly so far by him (but I'm not done working on him yet hahah) and Mika is about 1 year younger than MY son Steven (lol coincidence eh).
  8. it's a great idea, I would also like to see other info in the same place like, each gig have it's own questions and answers part where we could ask for spare tickets, costume ideas, meet ups, hotel ideas, travel arrangements, etc etc, it's a pain trying to remember what thread has what on it if you have seen something. (so sub menus woould be great if they are possible with links)
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgPSIHs8oIU OoooOOOo I enjoyed that video thanks for reminding me I can view st0of like this on Utube, here is one of my fave Elvis ones, the words are just so goddam SEXY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgPSIHs8oIU
  10. I immediatley clicked on YES!! lmao, then my logical head surfaced and I thought, well I am ancient, hideous, (but can't afford surgery or have a magic youth potion) I have been with my hubby for 27 years and I am a nobody with nothing lol, would it be fair to inflict myself on such a wonderful guy....HELL YEAH nah I wouldn't really cos of all the above and even if I loved Mika in a romantic way you can't make someone love you back....but then I suppose if HE asked ME to be with him, then that changes it lol, but I can't visualize that cos of all the above again so nah lol.
  11. Dunno where to post this but I am starting to worry a bit now, has anyone got their gig tickets yet for DONCASTER DOME???
  12. I'm going to Newcastle Doncaster and Manchester and I'm the fool in the big hat.
  13. I already did this kind of thing about 3 weeks ago, I mailed Paul O Grady, Loose Women, Richard and Judy and GMTV, I told them how fantastic he is to interview, how fabulous his songs are, how he could sing live for them and all sorts, I only got automated replies back, but I guess if more people mail, then maybe they will take the hint. EDIT:Just emailed them cos I think it was Phil and Fern that I emailed the first time.
  14. "sign it NOW Mika, I want a divorce you PIG!!" "GO TO HELL WE'RE NOT EVEN MARRIED YOU FOOL"
  15. wowsie, do you think I'll catch him there in about ....now lets see, I have to book a flight, get to an airport, then to where HE is...hmmmm will I do it in a day do you think and more importantly will HE still be there cos if not then I aint gonna bother.
  16. haha bless he is fab to interview and we would rather listen to him all day than the rest of the crappy charts, I'm not interested in it now ill go get tea as I have to take my daughter to another dancing comp now lol. oh btw I don't think much to Justin timberlake either, he is just average and nowt to write home about for my tastes. I don't think much to his music, his style, his looks, his voice...nothing flash at all.
  17. haha they think he has gone straight forever....HIS HAIR lmao:naughty:pmsl they didn't recognise him the photographers
  18. woo Hoo Mika number number 7 Well Done way to go Mika!!!!
  19. Shane who lol I KNOW I know, he jsut was the usual boring x factor winner
  20. aww I love Hey there Delilah, my daughter had it on her pc what feels like about 2 years ago. So it's taken them ages to get it into the charts.
  21. aww I just sent it after all the persuasion lol and it came back with that delivery failure thing, must have been too offensive for Fern lmao
  22. But people already think I'm an eccentric old biddy without me threatening them with the MFC mafia just cos they don't appreciate Mika's unique fabness etc. :roftl:
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