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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. arrrrrgh no my ears.....they bleeed its ......its....RAP...argh someone save me!! ahhhh for the mute button, I praise thee
  2. somebody stop me before I email them something really embarrassing and OTT lol.
  3. did they just hint that it's not Mika at #1 or did I get the wrong end of the stick, cos they seemed to hint at some group "they" being #1
  4. yeees get in thanx guys....now what should I say in my txt lol
  5. that is why I wanna ring in, maybe I'll txt in if they give out that number again lol. or does anyone know where to email them?
  6. aww wish we could email in or ring in when he is on or something, how kewl would that be, but I can't think of anything to say hahaha. (hate how they make you stay glued to the station till they decide to have him on), mind you maybe the longer they leave it to ring him the closer he is to being number 1 ...maybe he IS number 1 woo hoo hope so
  7. yep I like Elvis, fab voice (rich and velvety) and one great looking dude in his youth.
  8. OooooOOoooo marvellous, and after seeing this pic wouldn't you just LUURVE to see them do Dude Looks Like A Laydeeee with Mika (well come one he is one pretty guy).
  9. "right here guys...zoom in on my boogers see if I care, MFCers love me AND my boogers anyway"
  10. what super reports, he seems to be being even more uber lovely to his fans this tour what a wonderful human being he is (I think I will save up for the elixir of youth and beauty and then ask Mika to wed me ). I hope I get to be lucky too and get to meet him with my daughter. It's a hard choice isn't it, leave the queue in the hope you get to meet him, or keep you place hmmm, not easy that one, especially if you have no idea what entrance or exit he will use lol. Matt, I can't wait to hear the d/l (it's doing it's st0of now), and I LOOOOOVE Mika's height, I got a thang for tall blokes...yumminess etc etc. I get more and more excited every day waiting for November.
  11. OMG how lucky is Mika meeting Steve Tyler, I love Aerosmith. "badap badap...dude looks like a laydeeeee"
  12. wooah the skeleton guy...looks kinda like a nightmare before Christmas....are his shows more spooky now lol or is it just cos it's near Halloween. I go to see Meatloaf on Halloween lol, not seen him live before so I'm looking forward to that but no where near as much as my Mika gigs the middle of November lol.
  13. heh heh Ingie your captions are hilarious, so are the pics lol. "Patrick Wolf, I wanna be like you-oo-oo, I wanna walk like you, talk like you it's true-oo-oo"
  14. Hey I love ice cream but a certain "type" of chicken beats it every time "her over there iceman, with the flashing heart, she is an MFC mafia crazy woman, get her out of here RIGHT NOW!!"
  15. his would be the only belly button I could stare at and not feel sick lol, in fact I think I would have to learn to love it like the rest of him, it wont be too much of a trauma :naughty:
  16. "and voila! Perez turns into a beautiful dove"
  17. :naughty: class love it, I gotta have a go now after suggesting you post it here in the first place
  18. go on..... put it in the pic captions page lol.
  19. your sig pic is genius lmao!! :naughty:
  20. I just prefer Mika to sing his own songs, it's not like his own songs aren't good enough is it, I love em all (course I got my faves too).
  21. bumpety bump went to #60 and did my daily mass voting again
  22. ewww yukky....belly button piercings make me feel sick, I hate people who try to make me look at them (I got a bellybutton phobia, I just hate belly buttons full stop so to have to look at one let alone shove a post through it and have it all pop out when you get pregnant just makes me feel queasy.
  23. my parents smoked, nearly all my aunties and uncles smoked, one by one all of us 6 kids ended up smoking, all my siblings and parents still DO smoke, I gave up twice, once for about 2 years ( I got drunk one night, fancied a cigarette, and that got me hooked back on them again), I NEVER enjoyed the taste of them and would eat something after them to get the taste away, I hated the smell and would spray perfume and deodorant all over the place too. I gave up for good about 8 years ago now and will NEVER even have a drag off one again. I decided to stop mainly because my kids were getting older and it was getting harder to hide it from them (I used to smoke on the sly cos my husband hated it), his parents and brothers NEVER smoked, so I did NOT want my kids to smoke and knew that if I did then they would be more likely to do it. I am happy to say that neither of my children smoke and they totally hate it. They drink a little now and then but don't do drugs either, my daughter is like me and her vice is chocolate lol. (son is 21 daughter is 18). I used to hate it when smokers would be careless with their ash and burn your clothes, (I was more careful when I smoked and wouldn't smoke near ppl who didn't like it). I am glad that it is banned in public places now, but I think they should provide shelters of some kind for those who cant or don't want to give up. I feel much better since I gave up, I don't get chest infections as much as I used to, my breath and clothes don't smell like an ashtray, i don't have to worry if I DID put out the cigarette properly so I don't burn my house down. If Mika smokes...it's up to him, I wouldn't think any less of him, one of my best mates smokes and she loves smoking and she smokes in my house but only in the kitchen with the patio door open, I would be surprised if she ever gave it up lol.
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