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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. LOl I'm sure they don't mean it seriously it was probs just such a radical change and shock that they weren't expecting it. But I get where your coming from, I mean if he wanted to shave it all off and tatoo his head with a pic of Patrick Wolfe, then it's up to him really isn't it (though I would have t question his taste in head tatoo's though I think he looks gorgeous all the time cos it kinda stems from within and works its way out, in his personality if you get me, in other words he is attractive as a whole, just sometimes he changes the packaging., and has every right to do so.
  2. I always make mine too cos I like them to be sorta original and personal I will probs have to make my daughter Vix one too as I'm taking her with me to Mika gigs
  3. I wanna be a snow queen plz (I got half the outfit already)
  4. doesn't he look all sophisticated and grown up apart from some other x rated things too He will always be beautiful to look at cos he is naturally gorgeous, he just can't help himself it must be so difficult for him to not fall in love with himself (heh heh).
  5. Of course he isn't going bald what makes people think that? my hubby has wavy hair that he has in a similar style but shorter than Mika in those new pics), he is 48 still has thick naturally dark brown hair, he only has about 6 grey hairs but cos it's worn high off the face it just shows off the forehead, doesn't mean he is receding or anything. So I don't think Mika is going bald just yet, and he may not, if his mother or father are bald then THAT may have a factor in it, my hubbys dad is fairly bald but he takes after his mum for the thick dark hair.
  6. swoon I must stop looking at the applpose pic or I might go blind, he is stunningly beautiful and looks so stylish and sexy and they all smell of weeeeee for not letting him win when he is better than ALL the rest (I feel a song coming on, quick hand me a mic) lol.
  7. my thoughts exactly :jawdrop: I'm stunned, he looks so different doesn't he. (think I prefer the flipsy flopsy soft whispy look better though lol).
  8. I doubt they will cos they get zillions of emails but I thought I would suggest it all the same you never know, it might work lol. (just found it funny that I sent those emails then saw your post a few days later)
  9. :naughty: whats your room number lol this is starting to sound pervy FREDDIE you are a bad boy (shall I bring a whip?)
  10. I'm going to Donny gig what do we have to do to get one Freddie hope it's er... PG rated lol eww I still feel queasy today, wish it would go away ive been weird since Saturday, well Ive been weird all my life but I kinda got used to it. Hey Freddie how and where do you queue at the DOme it looks mega with lots of entrances and exits? are you bringing ya swimming kegs to go for a swim lol. Hey I finally did and posted an entry to the t.sihrt comp in the other thread
  11. This wasn't my original idea but I was poorly over the weekend and couldn't leave the house (sicky..not good lol), so this was a quick brainstorm I had this morning and it's kinda a "proof" for what I intend to do next time I go to Devon (ps, my hubby will go nuts if he knows I went and stuck MFC logos all over his beloved models it's not like he has been building almost every thing you can see by hand with cardboard and wires and any other bits of st0of lying about the house for 20 years is it) but shhh don't tell him and he will NEVER know, it's not even finished yet, and that is only one tiny part of the dam thing, it's got its own room FGS, ah well I can't winge I got MY obsession too. and another view: and another, how many MFC logo's can you get in one pic I knew this thing would come in handy one day
  12. Just a place to stop off and get a drink.
  13. nope I don't think he CAN drive himself, I think I have read it and heard it in an interview but I can't tell you where but I know some on here will know exactly where it was said or read lol.
  14. OMG I can't believe your post Caroline lol I just happened to email, GMTV, Paul o Grady, Phillip and Fern and Loose women telling them how fab Mika is and how great he is to interview and how interesting he is and he could even sing his latest single "Happy Ending" for them, I got automated reply's but at least I tried lol. 2/10/07-this one to Loose women: This one t Phillip and Fern on this morning. the rest were on google mail and i\ cant be bothered to open that up but you get the idea, maybe if we ALL send some emails to them they might listen haha MFC is MIGHTY (like cherisse)
  15. oh yeah I saw that too and posted a thread about it in my excitement but no body saw it hahah
  16. I booked the Manchester Ancoats as it's s bit nearer to the gig and Piccadilly train station I think, and it's only about 10 mins walk to the gig £26 for a double room aint bad at all.
  17. the highlighted parts are me too, and I think that is what I meant when I likened him to Princess Diana.
  18. Dam right those hormones have had a good kick up the jacksie lol, but if I was a wee young thing I know I would have gone totally love struck, it's not really acceptable when your own son is only a year younger is it :naughty: Still it's great though that Mika unknowingly to him, has lifted my mood and given me more confidence, I find that totally awesome that a young guy can do that just by being himself. I sometimes think he has the Princess Diana gift where people are concerned. so I keep my obsession on a level I think it should be by admiring his appearance (god he is sooo pretty lol) admiring him as a person, admiring his music and talent and stopping any ridiculous yearnings at bay by reminding myself of the fact I am an old bag.
  19. how the hell do you think I feel I am flaming 47 I went totally out of my comfort zone by going to London alone to see him at Somerset House, meeting ppl from MFC I had only hatted to on here and even stayed in the same room lol. I navigated the tube on my own and this for a woman who had lost confidence in every aspect of her life was a huge thing, (all I need now is to get more confidence in driving, I am going to drive to 2 of the gigs but one is a bit too far for me yet and its a big city). so I see my Mika obsession as a good thing as it made me feel really good to have done it all. (even my hubby thinks it has done me good in some ways lol). He just laughs at me when I swoon over his gorgeousness though cos he knows that I know I am old enough to be his mother lol, (maybe I should know better) HA you only live once, its been great fun and done me nothing but good
  20. my last real obsession lasted about 3 years so I still have another 2 n a half or so years to go yet lol. I think things have calmed down a bit for me right now but when it starts livening up again on MFC when the autumn tour starts etc, then it will be re-awoken, I mean it's not sleeping just dozing like a cat nap...or lol a POWER nap, so it could re start with a vengeance:blink: I still have a soft spot in the corner of my heart for my first obsession, and my first love of course. Mika is the 1st person I have been to see live since my 1st pop star obsession when I was 15-16, back then I was convinced it was love, and I don't care what anyone says, it WAS a kind of love, a one sided kind of love (I met the guy quite a lot and saw him at many gigs all over the UK) he never treat me as anything ohter than a fan though, but I was only 16ish and he was about 26ish. I still listen to my Mika every day, I still come on MFC every day, I still read lots of Mika things etc etc and I can't wait till the November gigs I'm going to, I think being ancient and ugly has at least kept me from ridiculous fantasies (not like in my youth lol). Still it's all been great fun and all this HAS lifted my mood as a lot of Mika-music makes me feel happy, the rest makes me wanna hug him better lol. I guess all of us go through ups and downs but then life is always like that anyway.
  21. yeeey who was watching celebrity come dancing thing, did you see them doing the troupe dance to GRACE KELLY!!!! woo hoo get in I got all excited lol.:thumb_yello:
  22. How many times can you vote on this one, sometimes I do it for about 10 mins going back and forth trying to vote but it never seems to budge and it never says if your vote has been accepted or anything I hope I'm doing it right pfft what with this and the other 380 voting sessions I do, I would hate to be wasting my time doing it wrong.
  23. Have the gig cancellations started again? I bleeding hope not. Just done my duty and done the lot, but once you have done them all it doesn't let you vote again for another day does it? so the max you can vote is 380 a day right? So if they are eliminating the ones with least votes we need to keep voting as much as poss even more don't we guys.
  24. How are you adding the printed designs onto the quilt, are you using that paper you caan out into your printer and then transfer the image to fabrics? I have used that before and it was a bit pricey when I used it and I found that after a few washes the pattern starts to flake off. But then I don't think Mika will actually put this quilt n his bed lol, he may put it in his room full of gifts from fans (I bet he has one by now, he gets gifts continually from fans and I guess he has to keep them somewhere lol.
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