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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I love hearing unexpected mikaness lol, it happend TWICE today at work, they all know iI dress as a nun and dash off alone to London at the drop of a hat to walk round London dressed as a nun then go to a Mika gig but I was suprised to hear "LOVE TODAY" blasting down the conveyor belt and one of the other girls singing away to it upstars lol, and I know Julie likes him from work but then I saw Jayne with half a dozen cd's in her hand and LiCM was at the front :punk: I was like...YEAH go Jayne you got LiCM woo hooo!! lol, ( I think my constant singing loudly of Mikas songs all day at work has done it's job :naughty: subliminal messages you see ha ha.
  2. Thank you very much, there are 2 hotels in this group for this price very near to each other, bout 10 mins walk I think it said, I will have a longer look tomorrow, then book one or the other, they are near ish to Piccadilly train station too, probs a small taxi ride away, is anyone else staying at one of these hotels?
  3. Hey these guys sound good if their myspace is anything to go by OoOo getting excited now. I was just about to dash about hunting for the back stage pass form when I read it was not to be :crybaby:I think I'll send Mika a back stage pass to my parlour instead if the Mountain wont come to Mohamed.....(is that part of a real quote/saying thing or have I just made it up lol).
  4. I was also at the very front at Somerset House and when he started to take his clothes off and trip over stuff, I did think OFGS is there any need, it made him come across as trying too hard, it just didn't work for me all that, maybe I just didn't like his performing style, but I DID enjoy a few of his songs. (though I wouldn't bother buying a full cd of his or anything). I the top and bottom of it is, I think the Mika fans gave him a good reception and it felt like a smack in our faces as well as Mika's and so instead of gaining more fans he lost out a bit. PS. I wasn't complaining about him being weird, I just found him weird but a kind of weird that was a turn off I suppose.
  5. Yeeey I just voted 360 times today, that is awesome I didn't realize we could vote so many times for Mika, if we all do this every day then he will WIN and we will prove Mika fans kick ass and are the best there is:punk::punk:lets keep this thread bumped on a daily basis in fact hourly in case anyone misses it lol cos it's teh first time I have seen this thread.
  6. I wish....lol no but the girl who made the book did and the first pic he saw was one of him and borat and he liked that and laughed cos he likes borat lol.
  7. when do they announce the winners? cos I know they are all gonna be from MFC
  8. you should just go straight over to the picture captions thread where there are hilarious pics of Mika and we all add our captions, some of them are just too good to be true, we even gave Mika a book with some of them in not so long ago.
  9. Well said this is exactly my take on it too even down to the Somerset house part cos I had never heard of him and thought WTF during his first few numbers, and his antics on-stage, then I decided he seemed a nice bloke by his comments etc and I got to quite like some of his songs (I just had to not watch how he performed them cos he just looked weird. But then I read about his slagging off of Mika and so it seemed part of his persona on stage at Somerset house must have been fake, and I hate fakeness, so that put me right off him I'm afraid.
  10. BUMPETY BUMP BUMP what hotels etc are you all staying in, I don't know Manchester Hotels at all.
  11. Where is everyone staying for this gig, I haven't even booked my train or room or anything yet, I wont drive cos then I will need a hotel with a car park and anyway I hate driving. so people where are you all staying in Manchester?
  12. BUMPETY BUMP BUMP Is anyone interested in Yups ticket (babs is going too), if so hurry up and let her know she is getting frantic lol, if not do you know of anyone else who may be interested in the tickets?
  13. Hmm well I ordered mine for Manchester via ticket master and had to print them out myself on my printer, and I also did this for my Newcastle Meatloaf one. My friend actually called in and picked up my Newcastle Mika ones so I am waiting for my Doncaster Mika ones also with ticket master on 1st June and this was the message that came on the confirmation email at the time.
  14. are we allowed to talk about certain songs for this "cough cough" as one of them is my very very fave ever.
  15. There are lots of silly myths about boobs and the like. I have been quite a few different sizes in my time, 38c at 16, 36b at 21 I had lost some weight by then), then when I got pregnant and breast fed they went enormous and very tender and sore, (as you would expect for a while), they were not nice to have to carry around at the time, they didn't feel like they belonged to me, so I have seen it from all sides and I think a 36b or c is a good size, I preferred it when I was around that, not too much not too little, and when they got bigger than that I put weight on everywhere else first but when I lost weight guess where it goes from 1st pffft yep boobies lol. Another thing to remember on the serious side is that MEN can also get breast cancer and need to do checks of their own, and because people don't expect it in men then they need to be just as vigilant.
  16. sure can if Gem has her way :naughty:
  17. hmmm the utube link wont work for me but by the sounds of things it could be a blessing :naughty:
  18. Lets make him a pillow case to go with it ( I promise not to send random odd shaped stuffed things this time lol). (hey that sounded rude but at least YOU know it wasn't lol).
  19. wow I'm so excited about this one, it's so fab, I've urges to make more patches now too, just let me know I got some great materials and colours and sequins and all sorts, I cant draw for toffee but I can always throw things tog on my sewing machines lol (comes from making dancing costumes for my daughter my best achievement was that I made her a ballet tutu I was rather proud of it cos it looked like a proper one too lol.)
  20. good lord how things can change eh? it must have been awesome in the early days for the fans but wanting him to get recognized for the talent he is but feeling sad that things would never be the same for those fans as well as for him, it's kinda a bitter sweet thing isn't it. I, like a lot of us would love to have been around then to see a Mika gig like that, but saying that he has grown so much in confidence, or at least when he plays he seems to have added much more to his later shows in that respect.
  21. Yes Freddie I am afraid they are,you must learn to get used to this fact, (so should Mika he has been known to stare down at a woman's ornamental display now and then (ask Dustin Hoffman)
  22. hello Austin and welcome to MFC (I was introduced to Mika's music by my daughter and while she still likes him lots she is in no way obsessed with him like I am I have been to see him twice and I only got obsessed in april/May time lol and I'm taking her to 3 November gigs of his too :roftl: cant wait.
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