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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I would also spot him coming towards me and say (in a pathetic whispery type voice) oh......Mika........thank you.....you were great.....thank you.......thank you......thank you so much .......thank you then remember this is in fact about what I DID say to him and then hang my head in a complete embarrassment for being such a pratt.
  2. oops so sorry I am a coffin dodger and my memory's err.....now where the hell did I out that again. so THANK YOU FMBM for the phwoooooarness of the lip biting pic :thumb_yello:
  3. This is the way that we love, Like it's forever. Then live the rest of our life, But not together. Soo soo tragic, and I love the crescendo of music (stings) that build up, gets me right in the heart so it does.
  4. Ditto it's visually stunning and a beautiful song and I love the build up in the songs mood and the dreaminess of the video. so for the videos I am voting on here its HAPPY ENDING
  5. he is number 3 now but still has a long way to go to beat JD so come ppls VOTE ◄ Vote for your Sexiest Man on the Planet Survey results:Vote for the Sexiest Man on the Planet Brad Pitt.............11 % Hugh Grant..........2 % Jude Law.............5 % Johnny Depp........35 % George Clooney....5 % Patrick Dempsey...3 % Justin Timerlake....5 % Daniel Craig..........3 % Mika..............10 % Olivier Martinez......1 % Jake Gyllenhaal......9 % Jesse Metcalfe.......4 % Vote for your Sexiest Man on the Planet
  6. I talk fast, I learnt to in my job lol. (swooon I just remembered it's YOU who has the lip bit pic...droooool, thank you for sending me it)
  7. Please teach me how to write songs, play piano, sing like an angel, and thank you so much for bringing some sunshine into my cloudy sky, you have sprinkled a little sparkle onto my rainbow I only wish I could find that dam pot of gold you have hidden at the other side of it. Oh, then I would run away in total embarrassment as I realize I am old enough to be his mother lol. (dam it)
  8. howdy and welcome to MFC (once you have been here a while you will maybe feel the urge to change your very first comment from turkey to chicken. :naughty:
  9. That bra song is PANTS is it really THAT short or am I missing summit? And the Samanda one I mean they are such bad actors on it don't you think so, they look so fake and cant even lip sinc well even I could lip sinc better than that, if that beats H.E then people want a good smack about the head, it'll be bought by chavvy barbie doll wannabes and blokes who like anything in a short skirt (so it should do really well then pfft.
  10. OO I really like it, it sorta sounds more like your THERE in an audience or something, and the build up seems intensified somehow. I spent ages making them both play at exactly the same time to see if I could hear teh difference but it just ended up being even more amazing watching the vid to the LA edit lol.
  11. "Mika you have much to be proud of yourself for, I am so happy for you" or "Mika you make me wish I was something I can never be" lol (sorta).
  12. Did Mika grab martins booby at the start of Lollypop? lol (not that Martins got any but you know lol. just watched the gig again on Utube, thanks so much babs your fab. It makes me get sooo excited though now I can hardly wait to go to my November gigs and see my daughter Vix's reaction to a Mika gig I hope I can get her to the front to at least 1 of the gigs, but I guess that is where we ALL wanna be lol. That build up at the start of Love today....wooo hoooo gets me every time! CANT WAIT CANT WAIT!! Aww his legs aint so bad, men often have dodgy legs lol and it's hot in Ibiza so let him get his legs out once in a while lol. I also didn't mind his hair too, I prefer it like that to the tight curls he had it in for the H.E video. Did anyone think his eyes looked weird or was it just me? they look sorta massive and wide eyed in some places, maybe it was the lighting or something. I also enjoyed MFCer spotting lol.
  13. Didn't think I could love this video any more than I do already but I do cos now seeing it in BIGNESS lol, his grin has even grown on me now lol. (unlike the Can't stand loosing you re-mix thing).
  14. I just listened to it again ...TWICE I managed to listen to it right through both times but it sounded different this time, (have they changed it since the one I heard the other day?). Anyway, I still hate most of it, though I can at least make out that if Mika did this properly it would be a much better version, as it stands now it sounds like some drug induced no-talent of my own person has stolen a few sounds from here and there, added a watered down solution of Mikas beautiful voice, chucked in a few scabby ice cubes and rotten fruit and made a foul tasting cocktail that can only be enjoyed when your well drunk anyway by the end of some rave that you ended up in by accident. Sorry if that is harsh but I hate rave and tecno stuff I would never listen to this as it stands let alone buy it. But if this is what Mika wants to tinkle with, then why not it's up to him, but we can't ALL like EVERYTHING he does, we have to be true to ourselves and I am even though some of you like it, it's all personal taste at the end of the day. Sorry Mika I love your stuff but I hate this, I think all the poo on it, the talking, the random unmelodious oddments just don't work at all for me. Ah well there's plenty of good Mika stuff I can listen to instead.
  15. OooooooOOo fankooo :mf_lustslow: very much, I shall try NOT to drool to0 much but it will be so difficult under the circumstances.
  16. I love that bitinglip pic of him in your sig...where is it from (needs it a lot) PS, I can't believe it's still not budged, I just voted 15 times and 10 yesterday and it's stayed the same come on ppl MIKA NEEDS YOU!!
  17. woo hoo lollipop and Mika is a big yellow chicken he is laughing his head off at something he looks so hot...no I mean temperature hot (cos he always looks the other hot ), Ooooo he is singing it a bit differently, I WISH IT WAS NOVEMBER it's finished now *sniff* (he said he is skint lol, well that he aint got loadsa monies yet...ahhh bless.
  18. OMG I can't believe I am not recording this, I was sewing the last part of my Mika patch when it was suddenly announced that IBIZA ROCKS with MIKA is gonna be on right now!! OMG he just did THE amazing Mika giggle at the giant bunny in the road I NEED that giggle it was soooo long (it needs to be on the ringtone lol). I don't even know how long it's gonna be on but it looks like a fun prog and interview so far, why was I not orginized to have it set up to record it, I am so unorginized (grr). Anyway, woo hoo go Mika (and better get this patch packed to send 1st thing in the morning).
  19. Hey Charlie, welcome to MFC I saw your audition and had a HUGE grin on my face when you opened your mouth and out popped Grace Kelly (well not literally lol), well done it was great, I'll keep an eye out for you in the other shows too now. (i'm off to go spy on your myspace now tata.)
  20. Caz, I think there is a bit of difference between a throwaway quick joke that can be seen as that, to a long story with characters and situations etc (apart from that I would NEVER really spank Mika, unless he asked me to0, then I would make him sing my fave song to me first , I just have a silly sense of humour, and that is kinda what I was getting at in my earlier post because we don't always know every person well on this forum and newbies and visitors won't either, so things may sometimes be taken the wrong way, and now they will all think I am a weirdo, (I am too but not in that way pfft). At least I don't liken him to a yellow bird ready for the oven, (I have matured now and only like Mika for his huge...talent.)
  21. I'm not really sure about them, when I was a teenager my best friend and I used to make up stories involving our fave band of the time, and did so for a few years, they were enjoyable and I think harmless, but they were just between myself and my friend. Whereas these are going to be accessed by anyone and everyone on the internet, so I have misgivings because if someone stumbles upon them and doesn't understand what they are, they might think they are real events, and.... that makes me feel a bit uneasy in case it causes bother somehow in the real world for Mika or anyone else. I didn't realize there is a name for these stories now until I saw it mentioned here on MFC, so I am sure there will be a lot of other people who have no idea they are just fiction. Sometimes things said on here already can get taken for truth so easily when some people don't read a full thread (usually due to it's length), so the amount of things that can be misread or misinterpreted (due to language differences etc) are a lot more than if it's just between you and your friend rather than the world wide web. so..I have reservations I guess.
  22. I didn't use that word but I agree with it's description.
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