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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. yes I feel sad about him feeing he had to go on, but perhaps at the time he maybe just thought he had landed awkwardly and the adrenaline and concentration of perfoming took his mind off the pain until later. Maybe he didnt want to end the show in case people who don't know him like we do might boo him cos they might think it wasn't serious and he probs didnt think it was at first. And I can just imagine how painful it must have been if it made him vomit poor guy it does make me feel rather emotional about it all bless him ahhhh.
  2. lol the tweetscame from the sloganizer thing someone else posted and I too found it funny ;p

  3. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2624125&postcount=105


    if you want in on this project I already have your vid to add in, let me know asap and if you want to PM me a note or email me it explaining what happend then please do I will put it on the stick.

  4. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2624125&postcount=105


    let me know if you want in on this I already have your vid if you do ( I know he has seen yours already but it is STILL one of the missing off MS ones.) You can also add a note and send it to me via pm or email if you like.

  5. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2624125&postcount=105


    I already have your vid if you want me to add it to this project let me know asap, add a note explaing howit was for you if you like


    OH I JUST REALIZED your video is already on MS and has been for ages and ages, no idea why your on this list I'll take you off.

  6. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2624125&postcount=105

    plz PM me about this if you want in, add a little note if about it all if you like (I already have your vid if you want me put it in let me know

  7. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2624125&postcount=105


    plz PM me asap about this I already have your vid let me know if you want in and I'll add it.

  8. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2624125&postcount=105


    plz pm me asap about this I already have your vid let me know if you want me to add it.

  9. That's what I want to know, how come some ppl have heard this, is there some secret society/club that some members are "in" and some are not? Ah well it probs doesn't matter, I have lived in ignorant bliss so far and not died cos i aint heard it so I am sure I can't be missing much.
  10. I know my daughter and I gave him a fart cube after itunes, but he wasn't that impressed, he looked...stunned into silence and moved on pretty quick to the next person lol WE THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY lol, don't think HE did. So I defo aint gonna be visiting a thread about his poop (even if it IS golden)
  11. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mika's poop is sacred you MUST not take it in vain, we DO NOT want a Mika's poop thread PERLEEEEEEZE!!
  12. attention all MFC!!! confession from the keyboard of BABS herself... BABS HAS A CRUSH ON MIKA well she did till she found he also poops
  13. think you have a point here, and since the hosts seem out of their silly little heads, it all seems to me to be who some big wig thinks is "cool" this time, I mean M&M is only good when coverd in crsipy chocolate shells and crunched in big mouthfuls, HE is a waste of space can't stand him. I also don't get why Robbie too, is it just for comback ppl who they have pity on or something He's only just made a comeback Robbie haasn't he? Pah it's all a loada b*ollox anyway.
  14. Don't Tesco do them, here is a link I am sure you can take in your pix etc even on an SD card etc and have them put onto t.shirts, bags, mugs mouse mats calenders etc etc http://www.tescophoto.com/wpp/tesco/?utm_source=Google%2BLatitude&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=tesco%20personalised%20gifts
  15. oops I didnt read the whole thread so have voted GK already lol , I figured it standed the best chance and cos it's message was great and it was soo different from anything else.
  16. PAH how did I miss this thread? can I be in and if so what do I have to do, can someone PM me about it as I have no idea whats going on but wanna be in too pleeeeaaase
  17. on LICM I skip BB and BG TBWKTM I skip (when I can physically FORCE myself to push the next button) PUOTF and sometimes WAG and LB (cos I have heard it before lots lol). But I keep changing what I listen to all the time I love TB but I also love BE and GGG (cos I LOVE the munter line ). In fact I love ALL of htem now on TBWKTM gotta be a good thing
  18. I keep changing my mind but the past week or so it's been ONE FOOT BOY on repeat on everything I have that plays music lol " empty lovin' makes me seasick, what you here for? I don't need it!" "what doOoooO I do" "IiiiiiiIiIiiii just lost my mind" ( I think that's what he's singing anyway) NOpe Mana just told me he is singing "Don't staaay to close to meeeeee" and yup sounds like he is doing so now I gotta relearn NOT to sing it MY way lol.
  19. yeah I agree, it sure is open to abuse and is getting it, it bugs the hell out of me when ppl just whore the site with any old pics sometimes I'm like wtf? I got an email reply back from them today after I enquired about the points and any indication of when the tickets will arrive since I already have my Manachester one posted and recieved already. this was the reply
  20. What a wonderful thought What did his badge say I couldnt read it?
  21. AWWW I 'm soo glad you got to give him it in person, it was such a simple idea yet soo effective and really nice of you to offer it up as a project for mfc and since you did all the hard work, I am pleased you got to give it to him and I do hope he wears it one day like our fabby red jacket.
  22. nope Fred Bee aint coming to ANY of these gigs, she can't afford it and I think it's about time she paid for her own gigs, it was costing me a fortune having to pay for ALL her tix AND travel AND accomodation AND food pffft she is an adult now she has to learn to pay her own way in life (mwahaha):naughty::wink2:

  23. I have work this day unless I can get time off so I probs won't be there till after 6.30pm, which probs won't be bad cos Newcastle is cold and q-ing is even colder lol, but it shuld be fine, the Q didnt start to get big till after about that time amyway last time.
  24. Oh yes I loved this review I read it a about a week ago after Aurélien posted it on facebook, I really enjoyed his in depth review
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