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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. Well I think it could be an ok song if he just sang it in his normal way and they just took all the other crap out of it and left Mika's voice and the bands instruments, I just cant abide tecno tripe I'm afraid, I have a total intolerance to it.
  2. Aerosmith DO rock, that re-mix...that type of "music" is just background loud drivvel, I won't bother trying to listen to it a 3rd time I can't wait to turn it off the 2 times I tried to sit through the whole thing so no point in pushing it, I just hate it simple as that.
  3. Well I guess I expected this day to come sooner or later, my very first Mika song that I don't like, in fact I HATE it, I hate that type of music (flaming heck he'll do bloody rap next, if he does I'll hate that even more). I have TRIED to listen to it 3 times and can only manage half of it before I have to turn it off it's just sounds soo repetitive and boring, I HATE it, I'm quite pleased actually that now I can say he has done a song I hate lol, makes him less perfect and that has to be a good thing hasn't it . anyway Kata I'm with you all the way on this, it's dreadful, it makes my ears bleed, not my cup or earl grey at all, (you can hardly make out his voice, have to struggle over the crappy music (and I use that term loosely), to try to hear his voice.
  4. Without solid proof everything should be taken with a pinch of salt, as if he would come and post here and tell ppl HEY ITS ME...as if he can be bothered, he has precious little time for all that anyway. But, you never know for sure he may get drunk and night and be bored lol
  5. yes that twinkle in his eyes is his MAGIC and I'm under his spell just like the rest of you he is just so much fun, he has brightened up my oh so hum drum life THANK YOU MIKA
  6. dressing up is optional, but MFCers often do. I got to drive to Manchester, I'm not looking forward to it, I know its only about 2 n a half hours drive, but I HATE driving and I dunno whether to stay overnight in a hotel or drive back the same night, I'm staying over in Doncaster and I'm not looking forward to that drive too but at least it's not right through a busy city center I'm sure Mika is trying to kill me indirectly
  7. Ahhh but do you really BELIEVE him I think he has too much of a twinkle in his eye to believe all he says cos he is a mischievous rascal.
  8. Blimey there are a lot more refrences to fab and magical films in Happy Ending than I first thought, think we need to go dig and find more. we got ET Labrynth Mary Poppins There's more but I can't remember them all off hand lol. i love that bit at the start when his sleeve comes down all on its own and the balloon ties itself round his wrist (I had wondered how he got dressed in that video lol), I have also grown used to the odd grin now cos I think that's how I would react to seeing those hands lol (well in a video I would in real life I would be freaked out lol).
  9. it's obvious to me that all his songs are about Mika himself, he just twisted the truth a bit for effect cos no ones says your songs have to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so he IS Billy Brown, and confessed to a girl how he felt afterwards and she was very understanding about it and told him he was probably Bisexual. He saw his future with the generic wife 2 kids and a dog and was in total confusion till she came along and cleared it up for him. he is also Holy Johnny as in his youth he was a whore but then decided to be like a priest and holy man and become celibate for the time being to concentrate on his career and because it would be too difficult to hold down a steady relationship at this time of his life and its also safer this way so that stories about him wont get into the papers. He is also Lollipop girl cos he likes to wear girls clothes sometimes (he is pretty enough to get away with it too so why not) Big Girl is really about tall women (well men who dress as women), erm... I'll come back to this once I remember all the other refrences that tell us all his songs are about himself.
  10. Yeah I think he does, I reckon he just gets bored repeating himself so does it for pure devilment lol he is a naughty boy at times pfft lol. (I think it would be so tempting to just say random crap sometimes just for the hell of it, i think I would lol).:naughty:
  11. Now I was expecting to faint at the sight of Mika head to toe in cricket gear looking HOT (but then there's not much he DOESN'T look hot in is there...PHWOOOAR I love him in white.....and black......and purple....and....all the other colours in the world too lol. (just don'tlike him in a hoodie with the hood up cos that is sacralige to the hair
  12. OMG!! I didn't know this thread existed, I ADORE Mika's dimples, always have they are sooo cute and make his wee face so squeezable (like an aunty would lol). Yeey finally found the MIDAS group on MFC (Mika's Irresistible Dimples Appreciation Society). :roftl:Hysterical lol that made me roflmao :naughty:
  13. golly gosh BRILLIANT eh I know he meant it to me specifically but I told him he couldn't let all the other MFCers down so demanded he write a bulletin to the rest of you, I of course got a personal one:mf_rosetinted: professed his undying love for me and everything, then I woke up and found myself in the Happy ending video dreamstate I dunno if I am coming or going now.
  14. Hey I'll see you in Newcastle Sivan think we are gonna partheeeey after or was that Doncaster, I'm looking forward to Doncaster cos the Dome looks great and we are all gonna partheeey then too woo hooo
  15. You must have been taking a daily dose of the Mika giggler it's a cure all
  16. :lmao: mind you I think a few variations would be good too like, Mika the manwhore.....or Mika's a SLAAAAAAAG! or even Mika the strawberry TART! lol. (I do think he is a natural flirt and he doesn't even know he is doing it so he doesn't mean to do it, and he probably means nothing by it, if he ever flirted with me I would have his brain examined lol).
  17. drats why isn't he doing Whitly bay or Whitby even I could have met him for a nice cup of tea and a scone :naughty:
  18. ditto that is the precise reason why she SHOULDNT get away with it as she is gonna win in all ways by getting dosh off him, publicity, a career boost, and she may even keep the name too, now THAT stinks to me nearly as bad as she looks like she stinks.
  19. Sorry bout the delay I have done one and am in the middle of the other one now, will have it posted by Friday, if I can do a quick spare one I'll do it, if you don't need any spares then just throw it away lol.
  20. I LOVE that part best...can I steal it cos I don't know how to make them, sounds too tekky for a granny like me. :naughty:
  21. some say forbidden fruit tastes sweeter but I couldn't possibly comment as I like to buy mine from Morrisons
  22. well I like that part too but my very fave part is the chasing the mike part (gonna have to ask that person who who made the little clip of that if I can steal it too )
  23. Well it's hard to say if this "is" the real Mika or not because none of us know him personally, but life has it that change HAS to take place, all of us change throughout our lives in ALL ways, we would stay stagnant and learn nothing of life otherwise. So if this video is not what some ppl expected of him as they think he has changed or w/e, then he probably has done, it doesn't have to be a bad thing that he is changing, he is just growing, everyone does, he is still very young and has a lot of growing left yet. I remember my own family calling me all kinds of names when I left home at 20 to live with my boyfriend (now husband of 23 years), it hurt me deeply but finally I came to accept that everyone changes and we have to, it's all part of life. I just hope he retains as many of his beautiful qualities as he can manage to keep, it could be hard in the business he is in though. As for H/E video, I love it I have said what I love about it in the H/E threads already, but I LIKE to try to find deeper meanings in things (it's the poet in me I guess) lol. I think it's visually beautiful to look at, (as is Mika in it apart from the hair but I can forgive him for that ) there are one or two things in it I'm not keen on, but I mostly love it, I do feel though that for me it's not sad enough, for me personally this song is more sad due to the line "no happy ending" Still, it's better than a lot of videos these days with half naked women waggling their butts all over the place to bling blinged up gangsters types. I find those kind of videos far too in your face there or very few good videos (guess it's not easy to come up with new ideas), yet it is necessary to showcase your song this way nowadays. ps. sorry for rambling on in this post didn't realize.
  24. This is a really great idea and I wish it was in place when I had joined, I still get lost in here now lol and there are things I still don't know how they work etc I don't for instance know what a trackback or w/e it is is for , so although I would like to offer help, I am afraid I still need help myself lol
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