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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. nope I got schoolboy humour too but then I always think the words of his songs mean rude sto0f (well not ALL his songs of course)
  2. fankoo I can at least get to hear Holy Johnny on this.
  3. well I don't know W3ANYONE at all who is called sparkly1 but I can always sue Vivienne Westwood, after all SHE is rich and famous and... how can I ever get ppl to buy my clothes now when SHE went and got famous for the same thing ( I'm not a fashion designer but shhh don't tell I can make a mint if I pretend).
  4. I saw it babs dunno if I left a comment I probs did though but I do lose track lol.
  5. yes, it was fantastique but thats NOT the point
  6. wth is going on here, HOW COULD YOU steal Mika's private diary and...and post it's contents on here, this could RUIN him what were you thinking of, I'm going to go to his myspace and leave him a message right away and tell him it was you, I hope you feel ashamed and go to the confessional booth right away and repent and beg forgiveness, I am horrified!
  7. I have mika as my desktop background on my pc and a diff one on my laptop he is also my my screen saver on my mobile phone after the cat licking the screen stops lol. my ringtones are: mikas laugh ~ for ALL MESSAGES as I just adore it sooo much. (I also have it stored in a secret place that I may reveal one day but it's too cute for words right now Ring Ring for when I get calls
  8. Ive done mine so just let me know when the deed needs doing lol and what we have to say or are we just going to play it all innocent lol.:naughty:
  9. If you look closely you can see he is in fact naked from the bottom down and has them tatooed on, quite effective dont you think
  10. I think her hair IS alive or has living things inside it :puking:she looks like she could do with a good shower pffft. (see I can do childish spoilt brat stuff too).
  11. snap My Birthday's on the 10th September too, would be great if we saw it on TV that day
  12. Thanx Bexxy, has anyone heard if they have won the one I posted up the other day for the Hammersmith gig that gets drawn on 7/9/07 which is today? I haven't heard so I take that as a no then pfft
  13. :crybaby:I got soooo sad watching this because teh other day I decided to play Overrated on repeat all night on a utube vid and fell i n love with it, and now I can't find it anywhere and it's the most beautiful song, I adore it, I think it's waaay up at the top of my Mika faves now, so now I can only hear a few seconds of it and it's all chipmuckeyish. :crybaby:Don't suppose anyone else has seen it anywhere have they?
  14. No NO look closely and you will see Mika is neither IN nor OUT of the closet just as we have come to expect.
  15. lmao the poor guy can't win, well if HE thinks he can steal mine he has another thing coming my name is far too unique there is only 1 sparkly1 and I am NOT about to share it with him, he may affect my career that I have worked hard to build up for 3 years now in a certain catalogue shop that shall remain nameless.
  16. eeeeeeEEEEEeeeeeeEEeEEeEEEE I didn't know we could say the word piss cos w***er gets starred out you know
  17. yeeey me and Vix LOVE that song (go spy her mysapce if you want to view her obsession lol) ...Populaaaarrrrrrr larr laaaarr larrr oh it's nearly as good Defying Gravity from Wicked too, I want to go see it again, but not as much as I want to go see OUR MIKA more, That other mika...who??? OH the publicity tart..:naughty:
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