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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. he seems to have been stuck at 42% for ages now I think it's stopped accepting my votes as I used to do it 10-20 times continuously everytime I went to vote at least once a day lol, has anyone else had this problem or do you think it's still going up?
  2. yeeey I sent mine (it was a sort of 2 in 1 question I have wanted to ask him for AAAAges. when do we find out when it's done etc, is it for a mag, interview or what?)
  3. So I mean lets go back to when Mika P was first starting out... "hey ppl what do you think I should call myself when I get famous" "My real name is Mika but spelt with a "c" and I don't want ppl to think I am a girl so I know...I'll call myself The guy with no name in case some total nobody tries to sue me for using my OWN name, There ....SORTED!!" I'm sorry but if she was good enough or her music popular enough she would have a better career, something's not going right for her and that has NOTHING to do with Mika P as I said before this is all very convenient for her to grab some publicity from which just makes me not even have the curiosity to go see what she is all about (apart from reggae music being as bad as rap is to MY ears). so I am not even going to bother looking her up she is sooo not worth my time. It's his name simple as that why would he or SHOULD he choose some fake name when his own name is lovely as it is...pfft grrr arrrgh!!
  4. :naughty:ur sooo right I didn't notice that I just thought he wrote it in a hurry in the dark lol
  5. There is also some racing driver I think with the same name. I can sum this up in one word PUBLICITY That is why she is making such a fuss, they say no publicity is BAD publicity and she is using this thing about the name to get some, she isn't gonna sue the japanese girl is she? OH NO she just wants to ride on the back of his fame I think to crib off some free PUBLICITY. It's an OUTRAGE
  6. Hmmm interesting though thank god Mika has waaaaay better hair than this dude and a better voice in fact better everything I do wonder who came up with this idea first though, I suspect Mika did as he has been planning his world domination since he was about 11 or so.
  7. I don't think we are aiming for a "seriously" hot look with an apple in our mouth, we are going more for the tongue in cheekness of it all, or should I say "apple in cheeckness"
  8. ITS A MIRACLE!!!! PROOF THAT PRAYING INDEED WORKS....right I'm straight up to that alter with my tamagotchii beads to pray to the effigy of MM to bless all the laydeeeeez in his temple next time he pops in, I think we are all in need of a jolly good blessing from him.
  9. # Thank you father, it is indeed hard not to feel pride at your praise (and as pride is a sin I have to try hard not to feel it) it means so much that you approved of my er...habbit only our dear lord MM could bestow even mightier praise and he was in too much of a hurry to go and pray with Alan cummings to appreciate my flowery leggins :naughty: and ado lol.
  10. Father of what book do you and VS speak? what have I missed and how did I miss it
  11. :groupwave: FATHER where have you been we have missed you so, I fear some of our sisters have deserted our temple whilst you were on your pilgrimage. we have had one or two familiar faces pop in to pray now and then though. WELCOME BACK.
  12. lol so it's not just what MY other used to do then You seem to know a lot about these things, are you from the same place too? and I thought the way it's described this it was a VERY rude gesture like over here it sounds like the w****er sign it's quite similar by the sounds of it, better be VERY careful abot THAT gesture lol. (it's ok this site doesn't let you type the word w****er, it stars it out, well at least it did before when someone else tried it out lol).
  13. it says IBIZA ROCKS I think I'm sure I read that on it in one of his pics somewhere, it's nice innit/
  14. See now his height really attracts me cos I have a thing for tall men Thats what I mean by beauty in the eye of the beholder and that includes the beauty in a persons personality. I already posted my reply before seeing this but it's exactly the same as what I said more or less so yea I agree lol. ditto, my friends think I have gone mad cos I am old enough to be his mother lol. but then....I don't wanna be his partner, but like you say, it would be awesome having him as a friend as he is so amusing (bet he can be a right pain in the *ss too but then so can i lol).
  15. Nature has it so that we are attracted visually first with a person, that is often how it works first, then we move on to see if their character is as attractive as their visual appearance, and basically beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we each see beauty in different ways and in different places, which is a good thing otherwise it would be chaos lol. Having said that, when I first saw and heard Mika sing (my daughter drew my attention to him on the Saturday night project), I glanced over and said "yeah he's cute-ish (I wasn't all that impressed at that time) and his songs ok I guess, nowt flash" Over the next 3-4 days, she played it more and I ended up liking it lots and started to look for stuff about him online, I found lots of interviews where I found he had this amazing personality, now whether this is the REAL him or the one he chooses to show publicly is another matter that I have no idea about, so I can only go by what I am shown by him and see, there fore based on that, and all the accounts I have heard from other MFCers when meeting him (my own meeting with him was too brief to make a difference really), I like what I see of him very much, and I believe that a LOT of what he shows us are REAL parts of his personality, though of course he keeps some stuff to himself and he is entitled to do that. So YES I think he is extremely good looking (a bit too skinny, but no ones perfect), YES I think he is immensely talented, YES I love his voice, and NO I do NOT want to be his "bit on the side" at MY age I would be arrested I'm sure lol, but his smile and personality elude warmth and honesty. I don't think I would have given him a "funny" look if I passed him in the street years ago just cos he would have looked different, as my daughter was a goth at the time (before it was so popular to be one) and I got used to ppl staring at her funny, and her best mate was a very camp young lad, but I was quite proud of her individuality. Mika often wears hoodies or caps that hide him so unless he looked me right in the eyes like he does and gave me that big broad friendly warm grin of his followed by his infectious giggle, then I will not have had the pleasure of knowing that side of him on a first fleeting meeting, and how sad that would be as Mika as a whole (what he shows us) has brightened up my life, I used to feel really miserable a lot of the time before I overtook my daughter and became so interested in him lol. (gosh I wrote a lot here didn't I lol).
  16. right Ive taken my pics ill upload em later after i have done teamight even use it as my pic for MFC too lol, I think we all should there are too many Mika pics on here pfft you would think we all loved him or something lmao
  17. now im up for this I think it will be even funnier and he will DEFO get the joke if we all do it like that, we might just look like a load of freaks who thick we are "all that" if we do it with no apple heh heh (I guess if u dont have an apple any large fruit will do lol).
  18. oh lol note to self...Never make this gesture at Mika when asking him for a refund lmao he may wallop me about the ears ps, I love his little Ibiza Rocks plectrum, and I normally arn't up for stubble but he looks so relaxed on this pic I can't help but love it lol. pps what does shway shway mean, and he has fabulous teeth, I am always drawn to look at his teeth lol.
  19. Ooooo 78 days till my next Mika gig I may even get to see him on 20th too if I win some of those tickets :punk:that would be sooo cool but I can't see it lol, but then I guess SOMEONE'S gotta win. (oh, it only cost me 12p for that text lol..even better lmao). I posted a link to win tickets to the Hammersmith gig and there was no charge as it was online.
  20. I txted "LOVE-SPARKLY1 SHE'S MY HOT DIGGIDY SEXEH 1":tears: are you sure it's love life ?
  21. can someone please tell me what's going on in this thread now, I can't find what was decided on to be an entry into this competition, I am totally confused now. There are just random pics of food and stuff and lots of talk of food, when did THAT all start
  22. heh heh just voted in both categorises 6 times each lol I'll try to find the time to do that daily
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