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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. Where is father Johnny when you need him, I guess I better just take my tamagotchii beads to the alter of our MM and pray for guidance, I actually ENJOYED watching a programme on tv tonight called Euro vision DANCE contest I am really worried, I fear this cannot be normal behaviour surely.
  2. I like the big M, MMMMika, the ringmaster (as in VS's pretty room thread) or as we call him in Holy Johnny's confessional booth, MM (Mighty Mika)
  3. I don't even know how to get it off the dvd to the pc yet guys im am sooo un tecky
  4. Teesside but I was brought up in south Shields.
  5. is it the original Tragedy by The Bee Gees?
  6. I DID record this last night, it DID work by gods I did it lol but I have no idea how to get it onto the pc and and utube or w/e in the correct format, if anyone wants to try to instruct me through me through it I could give it a go.
  7. too right they do lol, they all have something really interesting about them, I think cherrisse is soooo sweet, and her corestte was lovely, I think she has a great "look" and talking of Luke lol well he is just so tall dark and handsome aint, no wonder the poor guy has to sit at the back hiding his gorgeousness lol, martin was awesome at that gig, we could hear his harmonizing and it was beautiful (we were right in front of him lol), I loved his solo's too. Didn't get to see much of Mikey as he was over the other side but some other meanies stole the CENTRE spot lol. (still I am amazed a woman of MY age managed to charge like a bolt of lightning to the front at all :naughty:
  8. / Luke who? :naughty: I had a spinny messagy lighty up fan thing and one of my msges was LUKE WHO (hope if he saw it he knew the insiders joke lol).
  9. NO but I shall go investigate the "evidence" lmao, trust YOU Dazzle lol. (just cos the tall lady plonked her ass on your shoulder in the queue :naughty: you think you can oggle Mika's credentials BOY he lookes sooo good in that hat and jacket though HOTTT!!
  10. I welled up too but I just look at his cheeky grin on your sig-clip and it makes me lol. PS, was it you who was the diet coke and pizza? I am naff with names.
  11. Me too I am sooo excited, I'm finally bringing my daughter Vix and I can't WAIT for her to experience a Mika gig, I just hope I can get her to the front at at least one of the gigs. (She deserves it after not being able to claim her myspace win competition tickets thing).
  12. That would be a great idea for a Christmas dvd out eh a FULL length recording with "Over My Shoulder" too as that was jaw droppingly awesome, wasn't it Blue? (she was stood near me Yup and Yop, Kata and vally were behind us supping apply spray all night lol).
  13. YUP YOUR A STAR!!!! LOL I know it's greedy but... I WANT MOOORE!!!!!
  14. lol me tooo Ive spotted Sara and Bexxy and also thingy who was the diet coke and pizza (sorry your name escapes me in hte excitment), your side is lit up a lot we were at the other side near Martin but we arn't on suppose its a good thing ha ha. Oh gosh I forgot how beautiful he looked and sounded that night... I want it all back agian to re live it :crybaby:ooo part 2 , too much alan tho. wooo hooo jemma, sarah and yup:punk: Hhehe oh dear saw me and yup freaking out to Grace Kelly ha ha, OH wow Lolliopo god he looks soooo bloody fantastic in that hat and jacket, (reminds me of Marc Bolan) Sarah singing Lollipop WOOOW look at that aarrrgh YUUUUP ur a star!!!!
  15. my daughter is pagan and a lot of ppl thought she was wearing an upside down star which is a sign of the devil or something. But she taught me how Christians stole a lot of their beliefs and traditions from paganism years ago and changed the names etc. But I don't want to get into big rows over religion as that is what annoys me most about it, the rows and wars ppl have over it which I find totally goes against what religion is for imo.
  16. some of those sigs are lovely, really arty and some are done with a lot of affection for Mika, but then it's sooo easy to feel affection for him cos he is so lovleeeeee. I think he does suit almost any colour I like him in white, and black, and purple, and er...just about all colours but I do like to see his luscious locks lol so that's why Im not so fussed on the hoodies, but I really like the motives and patterns on a lot of his t shirts etc.
  17. heh heh yea I was just watching that, I always get little thrill when I hear his music in places or on tv when I don't expect it
  18. I fully admit my obsession, no point trying to live in denial when its blatantly obvious, I tell ppl he is my mid life crisis and I am entitled to it and it beats buying a sports car any day even my hubby tells ppl that too pfft, at least he just finds it amusing I guess. He can see how much happier I am these days and it's given me more confidence cos I went to London alone heh heh met up with ppl I only just met online on MFC (imagine me allowing my kids to do that, even if they are grown ups now, lol)
  19. woo hooo someone around MY age and my daughter liked Mika 1st but then I got waaay ore obsessed than her and I ave seen him twice SHE hasn't ha ha but the up side (for her) is that I am paying for her tickets, room, travel, food etc etc to see him 3 times in Novemeber, she IS 18 I know but I just want her to come cos I know she will love him but he is MINE mwahahahaha. (ps it's ME who sings Mika songs all day at work and has had LiCM ONLY in my car since it came out non stop) lol.
  20. OMM you must rename this fish at once, I know you thought you were doing a great thing by honouring our mighty one in this way but in this instance that is not the case.If you must make a reference to MM in some way then name your fish with his song lyrics or something....like violet sky, lollipop, chew chew, even billy Brown would be better than calling it MIKA pffft it's HOLY unacceptable as it is I'm afraid, you will also have to get your tamagotchii beads out and do 25 hail Mikas for each day the fish has had the same name as our saviour..its......its....blasphemy FMS! (in the absence of our father I have to try to keep some sort of resemblance of order in our temple). Don't forget to ask for forgiveness I know you knew not what you were doing really.
  21. I don't like hoodies much, at MY age I would look pretty damn silly in one lol, and I don't like to see Mika in them either cos they hide him too much and Mika should NOT be hidden...NOBODY HIDES MIKA IN THE CORNER! er....I mean.....UNDER A HOODIE :naughty: his lovley locks need to bounce freely in the breeze I do however LOVE the white t shirt he wore for Somerset House and the black one with the rainbow angel thing on it he had on for his sound check. But I'm sure the others will all love it and buy it and all go round looking like mini Mika's lol.
  22. yeah I thought I may as well enter too, I'm just on the site now having a nosey about but when I posted the link I was sure it must be an ancient old bit of news and I would embarrass myself by posting it lol. For a split second I thought of keeping the find to myself lol, but I just couldn't do that to my MFC pals
  23. If it's been posted then please delete this thread, I did try to search but I'm naff at finding things on MFC.http://www.capitalradio.co.uk/Sectional.asp?id=18449&CMP=KNC-Google&HBX_PK=mika+news&HBX_OU=50 Win Mika Tickets Want to see Mika live in London? Enter to win tickets for his gig in Hammersmith later this year.
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