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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. been married for nearly 24 years though been together for 27 years good grief!!! think it's time for a change got a 21 year old son and 18 year old daughter, an 11 year old German Shepard dog and many fish in our pond (daughter also has a gecko but its only about 18 months old lol).
  2. Ooo Rak the place I'm staying is fab right next to the Dome, http://www.activehotels.com/wl/servlet/xmlbrochure/index.do?hotelid=103128&trkref=DDP&subid=UKhotel.com it's got free parking google maps it and see how close it is to the Dome lol, I payed £35 for a double room with twin single beds cheaper than London but go on the Doncaster thread there may be more ideas on it since I was last on it.
  3. I did this too at Somerset House, it was scary and exciting all at the same time lol, but the MFC mafia gials are ace I can vouch for that and they looked after me and made sure I didn't get lost lol, thanks gals
  4. I'm not going to the London gigs but when I went I also stayed at the Piccadilly hostel our "suite" was the rather grand Grace Kelly suite :naughty: wasn't it babs lol. But a week later I took my daughter to see "Wicked" and we stayed at the Travel Lodge at Kings Cross and it was £75 a night for a room with twin single beds. Dunno if that is any help, I mean tubes and oyster cards are reasonably priced too and convenient. http://www.travelodge.co.uk/find_a_hotel/hotel.php?hotel_id=258 Ours was quite a nice hotel, had tv and stuff, clean not like Piccadilly Heights lol. It's only a few mins walk from Kings cross and google maps are great things to print out lol. also found this link it's Kings Cross again but some are bed and breakfasts and are under £50 a room a night. here's a link to the page of them. http://www.londontoolkit.com/accommodation/kings_cross_bed_breakfast.htm I have to start thinking about rooms for Manchester, I'm all sorted for Doncaster though so is anyone got any ideas for Manchester yet then?
  5. Ooo this one has a sort of nursery rhyme quality to it.
  6. blimey it seems MR M has a similar effect on all us poetical beings, the one I'm in the middle of writing has some similar ideas in it, he must be a hypnotist lol.
  7. ahh I really liked this, are you going to do music to it as well? I can't do music but I do like a good lyric or poem
  8. Oh Father Johhny you need to come back, the sisters have all gone mad and are respecting Freddie, I think they need to repent for posting freddiegastic pics and making many groups about Freddies type of body hair and things, what can we do? you have been away so long I fear they have all gone a little ferral on us.
  9. Hey have you all entered those comps that FREDDIE has put on the MFC? I really hope he judges the entries himself...do you think he will or will he get his er...PPL to do it, he is after all an incredibly busy man. As long as he doesn't tire himself out though, poor man :naughty: I'm going to see Freddie in Newcastle, Manchester and Doncaster... BE JEALOUS!!
  10. oh I wouldn't never tire of looking at my beautiful smiling face if I looked like Mika in fact I think I would spend a lot of time proposing to my image in the mirror :naughty:
  11. me too that is why I buckle up and pmsl when I know I shouldnt
  12. oh mai talk of drilling, duct tape, bdsm or w/e ever it is all in the respect Freddie thread whatever next guys.....and to top that ppl are changing genders like they are changing their womens or gents undergarments....I am getting as confused as in that other thread that sent me crazy tonight. thank Freddie I got a daft sense of humour
  13. this is in fact true cos it was my daughter who got me into Mika and look who is on the MFC now and has seen him twice met him once and has got us BOTH tix to see him 3 times in Novemeber lol.....MEEEEE her mum.
  14. agreed he was awesome and right in front of us wasn't he...I was like :jawdrop:at his harmonising and strumming...sigh I am going to set my dvd recorder but getting onto utube is another matter, it will take me ages but I bet babs will have it on before the night ends lmao.
  15. You took the words right out of my mouth Babs, here's what I posted on as MY comment to them on it
  16. sparkly1


    Aww so sorry to hear such bad news, but I am in awe of you learning so many new skills, it will make you stronger, hope the treatment works good hun. best wishes xxx Sparkly1 xxx
  17. "GASSSP!! she's the one I have been saving myself for...I GOTTA marry her, hey sparkly1 come over here and sparkle for me darl" :roftl:hehehe LOOK a gals gotta have dreams
  18. annoying wastes of space thats all they are, it annoys the hell out of me when ppl like to bad mouth ppl on Utube too, I mean I have seen comments like, "ha she can't sing and shouldn't be allowed on utube cos she is FAT" to "get a life you f*ing #@*/# (whatever) I can play the guitar waay better than you" and fare worse things, I mean I really cannot get my head round such a vile, repulsive attitude but then I just remember that a lot of these ppl are socially inept otherwise they would know better. There are a lot of nasty pieces of work out there who think they are clever and brave because they are faceless and in my opinion worthless because they are cowards and most of them wouldn't dare behave in such a pathetic way face to face with ppl.
  19. OooooooOOoo aarrgh swooon did you all seee that!!!!Freddie just came on MFC and made a comment *faints*
  20. I WOULD respect Freddie....if he will let me in the morning...what do you say Freddie, can I respect you afterwards cos your all round fabness is awesome, and I'm sure you will marry me if I respect you, even if it IS in the morning.
  21. Cant argue with that I find the whole package very attractive indeed, but then....I can only see part of the package, the hidden parts are attractively intriguing arn't they...like how you look through a whole in a covered shop window to see what's inside...or is that just me being a nosy cow MOoooOOOOooooo
  22. Yeah really good idea, lets all naff off and either find someone else to respect (that one bugs me) or summit.
  23. I don't like any of these pics at all, I don't like the hoodie but then I never like hoodies with the hood up. But I don't like them more because it looks like they have over stepped the mark,and like he is NOT happy about their intrusion so that makes me not want to see the pics. I do however find it odd how they are BOTH looking down as if they have seen something repulsive in front of them, OH that will be the photographer of course. Maybe he was curious about the club and wanted to check it out and now he knows it was crap and probs wont bother going there again, it probs wasn't his scene maaaan.
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