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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. yes there are a lot of colours shown lately, red purple and black and yes even some green your right there. I can't wait to get back to some nice mellow yellow again
  2. 1st time I have seen this thread lol so here are some I find rather amusing This one is my depression cure after MIka this one is for it's pure randomness and I would LOVE to have the guts to do something as barmy lol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPKmXFVZ1lA an epic but rather funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onLbeuEqNIE just cos I have a warped sense of humour at times
  3. to the MFC a crazy grazy place to be a mikaholic like the rest join with us we ARE the best!! lmao I just made up a ditty heh heh, think I'll have to use it now to welcome ALL new memebrs
  4. sparkly1

    Hi ;)

    to the MFC a crazy grazy place to be a mikaholic like the rest join with us we ARE the best!! lmao I just made up a ditty heh heh, think I'll have to use it now to welcome ALL new memebrs
  5. to the MFC a crazy grazy place to be a mikaholic like the rest join with us we ARE the best!! lmao I just made up a ditty heh heh, think I'll have to use it now to welcome ALL new memebrs
  6. aww Kata sometimes ur just cute lol. (erm..in a diff way to how MIKA is cute btw)
  7. I agree that this example should go in the letter, it IS moving , Caz is right and explains the bad taste it left in your mouth and it was cos it was left to build up. I don't think these ppl realize how much time and effort some fans go to and also how they feel guilty for dragging ppl along in the hope of letting them share an amazing Mika experience, so when it all goes so horribly wrong THEY feel guilty as well as disappointed and frustrated themselves. We all react to things differently, I would have felt guilty and depressed if it was me, but some ppl feel angry and some of us go through a whole spectrum of emotions.
  8. sorry caz I know you were being serious but c'mon...we have to PEE :naughty: you know my humour wont stand that without me buckling, Im gonna quote taht to my daughter on every opportunity
  9. Can I have a PURPLE one plz and OR a RAINBOW one lol dont ask for much do I lol
  10. I don't know where Father is my sisters, he was on a mission outside of Mikadom it was in a very remote place, we need to pray for his safe return. We need him to lead us in our worship of MM.
  11. when is he gonna fit in acting lessons or even the filming when his schedule is so tight, or is this a long way off into the future?
  12. I'm sorry ppl didn't respond to the scrapbook post, I think I did but I'm not sure if you posted in a separate thread as well cos I can't find anything on it (I can never find things anyway on this site its too darn big lol) so if there was a thread to put votes on I may have not found it. Still it's been done now and he has it that is the main thing and I am sure he will have a good giggle at it along with his family and everyone who reads it, he does have a great sense of humour after all.
  13. wahahahahahhah hilarious. how about this... nyeaaaarrrr....whats up doc.
  14. EXCELLENT is possible to add our names to this letter when it gets sent, or w/e letter/email that gets sent?
  15. If I bring some apply marvellous magic juice in an automizer for everyone, can I come too and in case he cancels I will volunteer to be his replacement, I sing really badly though be warned. This is the start of healing I can feel it in my bones folks.
  16. what came on right after he swore lol, I wanna know what song came next plz. (he is a naughty boy for swearing, he needs to go and confess in the confessional booth pfft).
  17. BOO!! scared you all now I am off to bed
  18. OMM where are all the sisters oh they have obviously been good girls as no one has been sinning, well done girls your doing great.
  19. Really good idea Deano, people who are wanting to voice their feelings and views on it probably need it to come to some kind of conclusion and this hopefully is their chance to be heard properly instead of just "whining" as it does bring negativity, although to be fair that is all they could do at the time before this opportunity to have a "voice" came up. "good thinking robin" as Batman would say. I do feel those who have been affected directly by the goings on do deserve to at least to have their views on the matter at least listened to and a response of some kind would be favourable to the NOTHING they have had so far. (so a dinner date with Mika for instance would suffice...lol ok ok that's not gonna happen) hehe, can't blame a gal for trying (even though I am not even involved in it lol).
  20. Well I think at first I would pretend I didn't know who he was and I would just get out some daft book to read or maybe start to write a poem just to throw him off the scent, then once the ice was broken like after the crappy plane food cos he wouldn't be in 1st class cos I never travel that way and he sat next to ME ha ha (fool), so then I would try to take his mind off his fears by doing mr, Bean impersonations with the sick bag thing, cos he likes Mr. Bean. Then I would make him giggle maybe I could find his tickley spots lol that would be so much fun. He would join me in playing pranks on everyone and being a pest really to the other passengers just to amuse him then when he got tired I would be his pillow and stroke his lovely curls while he slept...ahhh. then I would handcuff him to me and make my way to Vegas as fast as poss to do a quickie Elvis type wedding with him. And we would live happily ever after well I would anyway hahah.
  21. I miss him constantly :crybaby:even in my dreams cos I know they are dreams and I will wake up from them. (what a sad cow I am lol). But yeah I know what you mean.
  22. sparkly1

    New member!

    to MFC hope you have fun though I know you will
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