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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. Thank you very much that info Mikas_gal, the hotel is PERFECT I got it for £35 a night per room (twin beds for me and my daughter), and it's practically ON TOP of the venue and the venue looks amazing too, I can't wait bet it will be better than Manchester, cos Manchester is a big place. I may even try to be brave enough to drive there (will have to buy a sat nav first though.) The hotel has free parking for the it's customers as well. awesomeness.
  2. I'll volunteer folks...I'll give it to him good and proper cute thread btw, will try to do a list if I can remember who does what (I am very old remember pfft).
  3. pfft I went and messaged him on his myspace yonks ago to bring out Mika dolls and lollipop and big girl dolls, after I first saw his inflatables, I asked him to sell mini ones at gigs cos ppl would buy them, but that looks even better than an inflatable, it sure would look superb in our cars.
  4. yeey finally got here, (though I think the delay was on MY part not being very tekky minded lol). It was MADNESS on Gabbler last night well it was more like 3 am for me but hey lol in the land of MIKADOM that is normal, ;P I'm sure all the things we are used to will all return to normal working order in a few days, we will jsut have to be patient. (can't wait to get back to my purple txt, I feel a bit colourless just now ha ha). WELL DONE GUYS you did a STERLING job
  5. ahh guys, good luck to you all I hope you all still manage to get in and st0of, flaming weather has a lot to answer for eh? It may be a good idea to keep this thread bumped in case anyone needs to see it on their travels their or in case some ppl see it and can message the others.
  6. Caz I know you are referring to me when you talk about insane ppl even though am NOT insane ......very often.
  7. oh how wonderful it must feel to be a very important person even for just one day. LUCKY LUCKY ppl but I'm glad MFCers are having some luck, they deserve it cos they are F.A.B
  8. course you do Freddie darling, it keeps the grey matter from er..matting up
  9. Its an MFC tent :punk::punk: woo hoo AWESOMENESS!! etc etc
  10. lmao I resemble that remark, I have wanted to pinch his dimpled cheeks since day one and still do, one day I will, he will get the shock of his life when this aging old biddy charges up to him and just grabs a handful of his his face and goes....OOooOOOOOOooooooo I needed that.
  11. maybe they are one and the same or two of a kind or 3's a crowd ok, more gobbledegook from my keyboard...it's not me though, I am someone else, I am an alien from the planet chubbybunny, where we spend all day just shovelling as many pink and whites in our cheeks as we can just for the hell of it.
  12. er..could be a DOUBLE bluff there hmmm the plot thickens or is taht the soup? jeeps I do talk some plop at times
  13. Yes I like that one as well, he's such a big kid, gotta lurrrve him for that lol, or maybe just as we are all NOSEY twats perhaps HE is just a GREEDY twat
  14. OMG awesomeness, Luke AND Mika topless all in a day, and what did they say at the airport OMG OMG sounds sooo fantabulous.
  15. oh the PRIDE of being the biggest and the best, that is awesomeness, nearly as awesome as Mika but not quite how utterly marvellous guys.
  16. Great pics MFCers though that site...I shall say no more about it cos I nearly exlpoded, in fact I DID do pfft. bless his skinny legs he's like a daddy long legs but I love em all the same lol.
  17. *rse*oles is the correct word I think, I got annoyed today when I saw a vid on Utube from some *osser who bothered to upload himself boo-ing at Mika on stage at T4 on the beach....I was SOOO tempted to leave a comment or put a link to it here but I didn't wanna give him the satisfaction of knowing I had seen his vid as it's got no comments or anything on it, he may be entitled to his opinion, but I just didn't wanna let him know ppl were bothered about HIS the loser. :rocket:
  18. How awesome wish I was going, hope he is well enough and well rested enough to get through the gig for all concerned. Are we now official then Freddie?
  19. ha ha he's a myspace piccy tart lmao a true expert
  20. I agree, sometimes there are reasons why people do things they do, a lot of people self harm, starve themselves....it's all the same at the end of the day, something needs sorting in their minds before it can be sorted in their bodies a lot of the time, some people even have proper medical conditions that can cause THIS type of obesity, it's not ALL about just stuffing your face you know. A lot of men have the same problems, it's not all just a women thing ( I know no one has said that yet, but it's always the women who seem to get the most stick from it). I'm outa here before I go into a major rant.
  21. I take it back after seeing it's FULL meaning mind you I was only joking anyway cos he is gorgeous ALL the time, it's only human to have times when you don't look perfect anyway and it's fair to notice it and accept it, NO body is perfect (though he does come pretty dam close) but here is something I found on the word "minging" for you lol. Minging A British description of something/or someone being Discusting, vile, ugly, rank. A Minging person can often be described as a 'Minger'. Location: Cheap nightclub in the local Ghetto Guy 1: "Who was that girl that tried to pick you up?" Guy 2: "I dont know, but she was minging." Guy 1: "Yeah, she was a proper Minger."
  22. pfft hardly call that a fall, a bit of a stumble and he just got straight back into the swing of it, a TRUE PROFESSIONAL now if he had peed his pants and had to finish his gig with a big huge wet patch on the crotch of his jeans like Fergie, now THAT is what you call REALLY embarrassing.
  23. I think it's unfair that he should look so gorgeous even when he should look minging pfft some guys have it all, well not many do but HE defo does...raaaaar!!
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